{Chapter 1}

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WARNING: 13+ LANGUAGE (shit, damn, hell, and probably more through out the story includeing the f word not so often so if you don't like that language then leave. hehe.) AND SEXUAL REFRENCES.



McCree stumbled out of the smoke and rubble, coughing aggressively. Wounds scattered over his rough skin, some bleeding while others have dried up. All sounds of the once busy neighborhood were gone and were replaced by the sounds of wind and rumble slightly shifting under the young man's boots. It was extremely silent compared to what it sounded like before an explosion went off.

McCree looked over the abandoned landscape that used to be full of laughing children and parents looking over them while they play with they're friend's. The bodies of some of the children that couldn't escape the bomb lying in the arms of parents who stayed to die with their kid and or kids, for they knew they couldn't escape as well. If only he was quick enough.

__Flash Back To 5 Day's Earlier__

"For the last time, McCree, we are NOT there yet!! Now, go sit your ass down and SHUT UP!" Gabe yelled out in frustration. The young cowboy was annoying the other constantly by asking him if they were there yet, just like a child in the car on their way to Disney World. "Gabrial, language..." Jack growled slightly. "Are you shitting me?! That boy has said, done,  AND heard thing's worse than that yet you don't correct HIM!" Gabe complained. "Enough, Gabrial! I don't want to hear that type of language from you because YOU are a grown man; You know better than to talk like that!" Jack did NOT tolerate cursing near him, for he thinks it makes Overwatch unprofessional and childish.

"Why're we even goin' to Hanamura in the first place...?" McCree Mumbled while he slid down the spine his seat. "I told you earlier, weren't you listening?" Jack asked strictly. "When have I ever listened to you ramble...?" McCree asked sarcastically. "Jesse!" Gabrial yelled. "Gabe!" McCree responded in a mocking voice. "Why you little shi-!" Before Gabrial could finish his sentence Jack smacked the back of his head. "Gabrial, may I remind you that you are a GROWN MAN arguing with a TEENAGER? Get your act together." Jack growled. Jesse snickered while Gabrial grumbled silently.

Jack sighed loudly before turning to look at McCree. "We're going to check out someone by the name of Hanzo Shimada. He is considered very dangerous and powerful street-wise and is the oldest child of his family. He is part of a powerful clan called 'The Shimada Clan', but he has been considered to be the last of his family line, so we have decided to see what is going on with him and try to make peace with him and get him on our side, for his skill in fighting and his powerful rank would be of great use." Jack finished. McCree looked quizzingly at Jack. "What happened to the rest of his family...?" McCree questioned. "Well, his father died in a terrorist attack on the Japanese Government Bases, leaving him and his brother to lead the clan..." Jack explained but stopped. "Aaand... his brother?" McCree asked suspiciously. "Locals say that his younger brother, Genji Shimada, was to take over the clan but refused to because of the reputation of it and that made his brother aggressive. They ended up fighting with the results of Hanzo... almost killing his brother." Jack explained slowly. "So, we're trying to be buddy-buddy with a criminal...?!" McCree shouted.

If he only knew what was to happen.

__A Day Later__

It took a day to get to Hanamura, but when they got there, they were shocked.

~~hehehehehehe cliff hanger!~~

~~Hope you enjoyed the first chapter! The second chapter will be out soon!~~

Overcoming Past Mistakes {McCree x Hanzo}Where stories live. Discover now