1| Rin kaga- who ?

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kimyona | a vocaloid fanfic 




" Uh is this the address-? I think it might be it.. I mean you can't tell me this isn't the Vocaloid Estate... unless i read the address wrong and ended up in Germany.. again.. "

A sigh came out of the blonde girl's mouth as her eyes carefully scan over the address that was emailed to her. Now, said girl isn't that fond of putting effort into things, so printing out the address was a huge effort wasted if she got lost again. And Rin Kagami did not like that aspect one bit. Or she somehow managed to go to Germany again. She shruddered at the memory. 

" Well, the only way to know is to try first, right?"

She mumbled yet again, as she took a step forward and rang the doorbell. The doorbell was shaped into a musical note, she took notice. Her attention snapped towards the front door as she hears a loud yell for someone to open the door, along with a series of groans. 

' wow they must either not like getting visitors or don't like people '

She thought in her head.  Mere seconds after, the sound of the door opening caused her to avert her gaze, before meeting face to face to a short hair brunette. Rin quickly scanned over her, seeing that she was sporting a red  tank top and some sweat pants on. The women blinked a few times before before registering her existence.

"Oh.. hey Len is this one of your's!?"

The brunette shouted as a protesting cry was heard.


The brunette rolled her eyes before scoffing, her expression amused before turning her attention towards the blonde in front of her. A bored stotic expression rested on her face, with a slight tinge of irritation.

"Oh right, who are you again?"

Rin blinked, her mind trying to focus on what the woman had said.

"Oh. I um- im Rin. I uh got a room here? If you don't believe me, I have printed proof, " Rin said, strongly empathising on the word printed. "I mean unless your telling me this isn't the Vocaloid Estate and I've somehow managed to go to Germany again"  She mumbles as she inwardly shivers at the thought yet again.

The brunette looked at her for a good solid minute before scratching her head and letting out an awkward sounding laugh.

" Geez , Lola never told me the new kid would arrive so soon, not that she tells me anything that goes on" she mumbles with annoyed tone. Sure Lola did love her secrets, but that doesn't mean she could just keep silent about things that actually matter. Like for one, her almost unhealthy obsession with Korean drama's. Shaking the thought from her head, she offered a grin at the blonde before almost dramatically escorting her in.

"Welcome to the Vocalaid Campus!" She enthusiastically exclaims.

" I thought this was an Estate-"

Rin started but got cut off.

"Eh potato tomato," the brunette shrugged. Rin was about to protest about how potato's and tomatoes were two completely different things but never got the chance to as the brunette continued talking. "Anyways, what's your name? You look quite young to be here " the brunette noted.

"Rin. My name is Rin. And no,  I don't think I'm that young to be here. Im fourteen, turning fifteen this December " Rin frowned. She didnt like people treating her like a child, she for one had a mind of a quite sane and reasonable not to mention responsible person. Most of the time. If she felt like it, I mean.

" Mhm, my name's Sakine Meiko. You can call me Meiko-nee though if you prefer "

"I think Meiko would be alright with me"

The brunette nodded, continuing to show the young blonde around. The inside of the Estate was not what Rin had expected. For a first, it was much larger than what she had imagined. It had 5 floors, and was made to somehow resemble a school dormitory. Doors lined the hallways, all with a a capital 'V' carved on. Rin noticed that even though most of the doors were identical, there was a air of personality that lingered around each door.

"Come on, I'll show you to your room. Leon has sent you the list of terms and conditions along with the set of rules right?"

The brunette inquired. Rin nodded, her eyes scanning the hallways as she made sure to absorb each and every detail. She wouldn't want to get lost. She steadily followed Meiko down a few turns and twists,  followed by a fleet of stairs leading upwards,  before abruptly stopping in front one of the many doors that decorate the hall of the second floor building. Rin stumbled, the impact from hitting the wall face flat made her legs wobble but she quickly regained her composure.

Meiko turned around to face Rin, her hands clapping while a perky smile shaped her lips.

"Okay this is your room. And here are your set of the room keys," she dropped a bunch of keys into Rin's hand. " And if you need anything, just let me know. Cya! "
Rin was about to ask her how she was going to be able to contact the brunette, considering the Estate was humongous and she barely knew how to get around it, but the short haired brunette was out of her sight before she could. Rin sighed in disappointment. Guess she'll have to work this out on her own.

"How the hell am I going to get around this place.. I barely know what one floor looks like. 'Meiko-nee' could have showed me around a bit more.." Rin guessed that either Meiko had somewhere to be or she normally treated new people like this. Or maybe she found Rin annoying and couldn't stand another moment being near her existence.

Okay maybe Rin was getting a little bit far fetched, but hey it could be a possibility. Besides, if no one had ever even bothered to be around her for more than millisecond, what chances are that what she thought being true. And speaking of Meiko, she mentioned 'your set' of keys, meaning that Rin would ought to have a-

The door opened with a soft creak, as Rin step foot in her 'room'. She took a whiff of the room and it smelled of the scent of...lavender? She stretched her arms and legs before putting down her backpack that was stuffed of her clothes, books, hygenary tools, and oranges. Lots of oranges.

Only to realize that a girl was staring at her, her dark- almost purple- irises looks at her in question. Rin blinked for a few seconds before the realization of what was happening processed in her mind.



She had a roommate.


Yeah that kinda sucked but I haven't written in so long so I'm kinda rusty. But welp thats the first chapter. Idk if ill update this regularly like my previous stories. We'll see

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