nine ; welcoming commitee

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I enter the room realizing my friends are almost awake. I don't want them to see me like this. I shut the door but it was too loud, making it so they both wake up yawning, eyes half way open. When they see me all bandaged up, they light up.

"Oh my fu-"

"Don't you dare say that word Celeste!" Marion cuts her off before Celeste can curse. They both run up to me and pull me to sit on the side of my bed. "Did you really fall that high Ally?" Marion asks still gripping on my forearm tightly.

"I didn't fa-" I almost let the lie of the forgetting curse slip.

"I mean-yes. I'm a klutz." I say trying to hide the fact that I stopped my first sentence.

"Yeah you are. Do you know how terrible it was hearing about this from McGonagall?" I can hear that she's trying to at least make it sound like she cares, but instead she came out being a plain bitch.

"I hadn't realized that you claimed yourself as my new mother." I had to snap back.

"You're in need of one, with your lack of intelligence and all."

"Stop it both of you! You're going to wake the whole castle." Marion interrupts us both. "Celeste, I can't believe you just said that." She turns to her with a furrowed brow.

It took the proud girl a moment, as she let out a big sigh. Celeste then sits next to me and places her hand on my shoulder.

"You're right. I don't know what came over me; I'm so sorry Ally. I was so worried about you."

"No it's fine, I snapped at you first."

"No it's really not. It's been 4 years since your mum died, and I forgot about how that made you feel."

"It's over now, that was a long time ago. Now can we please change the subject?" I ask trying to not choke on my words.

They nod and they start to smile, I'm wondering what they have planned in their heads.

"Other than this mishap, how was your time at the Masquerade?" Marion smirks up at me. "We lost you quite quickly."

Her words turn me into mush, and my memory shows a charming dance partner.

"It was fine..." I trail off, smiling at them both. My expression leads them into an 'ooh' and they stand up.

"Did you find your masked Prince Charming?" Celeste asks brushing her shoulders on mine. So I nodded quickly. "Well; who do you think it is?"

"Guys can we get of the topic of me? How was your guys' time?" I say desperately.

"Oh yeah! Marion found out that she danced with-" Celeste was interrupted by Marion elbowing her side. "What? Don't tell me you enjoyed your time with Marcus Flint!"

I gasp, trying my best to tease her. We all start laughing and chattering the entire afternoon, it was amazing letting go of the thought that I'm practically crippled.

It was 5:30pm and we all decided to go down before dinner starts, when a knock is heard on our door. I stand up and open it to find Pansy, she was a friend of mine but we haven't talked since last year.

She looks at me worriedly and hugs me tightly while saying, "I'm so glad you're back."

People might think she's a clingy and overwhelming piece of work but I don't get where this judgement comes from.

She isn't a bitch, she's cocky at times, but overall she has a good heart.

I respond with a hug back realizing how great it feels to talk to her again. She pulls away and I notice a broad smile spread across her face.

"Anyways, Christmas Break is in two days and I decided to have a sleepover at my dorm. All of the Slytherin girls are invited." She stops with a big grin and crosses her arm infront of her chest. It wasn't really a question as much as a demand, but that's what I love about her. Confidence.

"We'd love to come!" Marion replies before I could. Celeste nods frantically at the thought of a sleepover-she's never been to one.

"Great! I'll see all of you on Monday, my dorm at 7." She raises one eyebrow before spinning around and knocking on the door beside ours.

I could tell just by turning around how excited Celeste was. She was sprawled across the carpet in joy. I lean my back on the door and let out a laugh as Marion judges her from the other side of the room.

I almost scream when someone opens the door behind me and I almost fall backwards.

midnight of the masquerade | d. malfoyWhere stories live. Discover now