chapter 1 [the beginning]

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third person's pov (drawing by meh! :3)

It was a lovely day outside, but you didn't really pay attention to it because you were to busy trying to find a job.

you just moved in Canada few days ago and you were pretty new to this place, so you get lost in here easily, but since you don't really have a place to stay, so you don't really care.

you continue to search through places and places, looking for a job, but then you end up walking into a dead end "Ung great, now I have to walk back" you said to your self, but you, as you turn back you saw, a few boys who is dressing very edgy and buff looking. "on no" you thought to your self, "hey" one of the boys speaks with a huge grin on his face. "I better run" you though to your self. "awww, looking so scared already? that's some nice ears you got there~" you hiss at them, "awww, come on man, don't be scared" the other even more buff looking boy said

but you continue hiss at them, getting ready to jump over them and escape. and then, you launch at them without a warning, you jump over there heads, you mange to jumps over there heads, but one of the boy mange to hit your back leg making you gasp at the cold air, and then without looking back, you run as fast as you can, non stopping, you surprised at how fast you can run, but you can still hear those boys chasing after you, you run into a corner and hides in the shadow while you turn into your cat from, the boys run past you

finally, you were safe. you clam your breath down, and the pain on your back leg start coming back again, you hiss at the pain and sees a cardboard box right next to it, so you walk in the cord brad box and close your eyes for a rest.

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