Matchy Matchy

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I walk out into the cold air. The coffee in my hands is the only thing that is keeping me warm as I walk to my car. I'm in the middle of no where, assuming I'm in the state of Iowa. I get in my car, blast the heat and back out of the gas station. I have to get to New York City by Friday. A day an a half left.

My family decided that moving to NYC from Los Angeles would benefit all of us. I on the other hand would like to disagree. They decided that moving during junior year would be okay so here I am, driving my BMW 700 - series, from sunny California to butt cold New York.


"Danica?! It's time for school!!!!" my mom Marie yells. I slowly sit up from my bed. As I open my eyes all I see are mountains of boxes, reminding me of the fortune of what has happened in my life. I get up and search for my clothes. After opening at least five boxes I finally find the one with all my clothes in it. I take out a pair of Forever 21 black floral leggings, my crepe woven black crop top, and a pair of red keds. I outline my eyes heavily with black eye liner, coat my eye lashes with black as midnight mascara, and darken my eyelids. I swipe on some light pink lip gloss, grab my backpack and SnapBack and head out my bedroom door.

My mom is in the kitchen making breakfast. I smell bacon and eggs sizzling in the pot. I sit down at the counter and take out my phone. A text message lights up.

"Danica! Babe! I miss you so much! How's NYC? I presume it's cold? Anyway call me when you can. "

I smile instantly. Back in California, my boyfriend Connor and I have decided to try the whole long distance relationship thing. He's big on youtube and has a tour coming up that include NYC as a performing city, so I'll get to see him then. My mom wakes me from my delusion.

"Honey, I wish you wouldn't black out your eyes like that. You look goth." she says.

"I like it this way. I'm not going to change it." I reply. I check the time on my phone and it reads 7:13.

"I better get going. Wouldn't want to be late on my first day." I say as I walk out to the garage. I grab my longboard. My baby and most treasured item I own. Connor gave it to me for my birthday two years ago. It has purple grip tape and a white bottom. The wheels are jet black and the letters, D.M. + C. F. are painted on the white bottom. I hop on and make my way down the road to the intersection. The school is about twenty minutes from my new house. As I ride up to the school. I can see people in matching clothes. Crap, I think. They wear uniforms here.... I pick my longboard up and walk inside. Marble covers the walls in a white silk like fashion. Wooden panels line the floor with black circular rugs littering the space. I walk into the office. A brunette stands in front of me. She had a white three quarter sleeve shirt on with a pleated black knee length skirt. To top off the terrible looking outfit are black kitten heels that look quite uncomfortable. I'm taken out of my dream state when she turns around and bumps into me.

"Excuse me." she says as she walks around me and exits. Weird...

I walk up to the counter and address myself as "Danica Marvenda." The woman sitting at the desk looks up.

"I need to get my class schedule.. I would have a uniform, but none were sent to me." I say

"Well we have extras here. I'll fetch you one while you fill out these last few papers. Oh and your schedule is under the papers." she hands me a pen and takes off behind a wooden door. I sign a couple more times and take my schedule. I have photography first with a Mr. Sackman. The lady returns with a small plastic bag.

"Go to the bathroom and change. Classes start in fifteen minutes. Oh and we do not allow wheeled items in the building." she says. I hesitate, but hand over my precious longboard and make my way to the bathroom.

It's huge in there. A wall has at least ten stalls while the wall parallel has beautiful white marble sinks. I change quickly and stuff my clothes in the plastic bag. I walk out and find my locker. Like everything here is huge. I drop my plastic bag in the top portion of the locker and my backpack in the bottom portion. I close the door and walk to photography.

The classroom is extravagant. One wall is filled with different famous photographers and their biographies. Another wall is lined with cameras. The front of the room has a small whiteboard and a screen. Desks are separated in fours and each have a name on it. I look around and find a desk in the corner with my name on it. I sit down and wait for the bell to ring.


At the end of school I walk to my locker to retrieve my things. I change and walk to the office to get my longboard. I step outside dodging people getting onto the buses. I hope on my longboard and start through the crowd. I'm almost out when board catches a crack and flings me forward right into a girl. We slam against the concrete sidewalk. We both groan. I get up first.

"I'm so sorry. I caught a crack and couldn't stop." I apologized. She looks at me and glares.

"Things like that aren't even suppose to be on school grounds. Who are you anyway? You look totally new," she says.

"My names Danica. I just transferred." I reply.

"Well just because you're new doesn't mean you get to do whatever you want." she says. She gets up and takes off towards the buses.


"Hi honey! how was your day?" my mom asks.

" Fine." I reply. I walk into my room and look at the stacks of boxes. I start with my clothes and take them I into my huge walk in closet. It has three walls with shelves and hanging rods. After an hour of organizing and hanging my clothes I take the box marked ' Wall Decor.' Inside it has old photos, movie tickets, and other old stuff I collected over the years. My favorite one though is my blown up picture of my long-boarding group LBH. It's has my 8 amazing friends sitting on our long-boards with our backs toward the camera. We have our arms around each other's backs. Amanda, Jc, Kian, Sam, Connor, me, Nicole and Ricky are the right people whom I've known for as long as I can remember. I tack it up above my bed and stare at it for a second. I walk over to my desk and set up my 27- inch IMac and my speakers. I still have a bunch of boxes to unload, but I decide to call Connor first. He picks up after one ring.

"Hey Danica! How'd NYC treating you?" he asks.

" Well besides that my new school has uniforms, it's sub zero and I have absolutely no friends. Pretty good." I retort.

"Aww. Babe you'll get through it! Remember in a week I'll be out there with the boys. We will spend as much time as possible together. I promise." he replies. I smile. Connor never breaks his promises.

"So how are you besides all the downers?"

"I'm fine. The roads in my neighborhood are really smooth so boarding is fun. I really hope the group can go boarding together like old times." I say.

" We will definately do that. I miss it a lot."

' Danica!!!!!' I hear in the background.

" Ugh.. I have to go. I love you." I say.

"Love you too. Keep your head up. Bye." he replies.

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