Meeting the hunters

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Percy POV

After Artemis flashed us back to the hunters' camp, I was again met with bows once again. "Who are you?" a girl asked me. I was about to reintroduce myself but Artemis beat me to it. "Thalia, this is the werewolf whom saved us. He's in his human form." "Nice to meet you." I said. "He's also our guardian!"
Artemis added. This was made with groans and complaints. Instantly I felt bad. "Did I do something wrong?" I asked.
"Girls he's our guardian. Get used to it." Artemis said. "What would you all like to eat?" I asked. "What can you make?" Thalia asked. "Any home cooked meal." I replied. "Perks of being Hestia's champion." "Uuuummm roast duck?" Thalia asked. "Done." I said as it appeared in my hands. "Here you go." I said. After all the hunters got their food, I realized something. "Mi'lady, what would you like?" "Wine and roast duck!" "No alcohol what so ever." "I can do non-alchohollic wine."
"Fine, I'll give you real wine."
It was really non-alchohollic, but Artemis doesn't need to know that.

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