#7 do you have a boyfriend?

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Tegans P.O.V:

I'm sure Harry's looking at me funny! and Niall! and Liam! but Louis seems to be in love with some other girl at the moment. thank goodness. I think Zayn likes Kylie though if I told her she'd be flattered. thing is they seem to be flirting mercilessly. they should get together some time! I'm gonna fix this up man! I smile evilly to myself just as Hazza walked into the room. he smiled and shouted " OHNO!! Tegan's smiling quickly she's ill call the ambulance!!" I laughed and stuck my tongue out at him. e smiled back and we sat for a few mins like that...just...staring at each other in each others eyes smiling. I think I may be falling for him! then he seemed to sober up and asked "have you got a boyfriend?" I looked at him seriously and hook my head slowly.

Harry's P.O.V:

when she shook her head she seemed to be thinking deeply about something. perhaps it's Louis! no it wouldn't be he's 'in love'. could be Ni or Li perhaps! I carried on smiling but inside I was worrying. maybe she doesn't like me enough to actually be my girlfriend. Oh god I didn't think a girl could cause me soooo much confusion.

Louis P.O.V

I met up with Sophie again today but this time I brought Tegan along with me and apparently they know each other at least I can find some stuff out from her now. only problem is I just need to ask her ONE question. that's all! and that's, ' do you have a boyfriend?'

Niall P.O.V

I'd hears Louis muttering to himself in the bathroom repeating over and over, 'do you have a boyfriend?' I rolled my eyes slightly worried. "GUYS?" I yelled over the music as I walked in to the living room with an anxious face. everyone turned to me smiling until they saw my face. Then they all looked worried too. "I think Louis' finally lost it! I heard him muttering to himself repeatedly exactly the same thing!" they all started frowning. Harry suddenly asked " what was he muttering!" I cocked my head to the side and answered " ' do you have a boyfriend? ' " 

Liam P.O.V

when Niall said that Harry and Tegan suddenly looked at each other and burst out laughing. I was really confused what could make them laugh so much that they stopped making noise and just sat there clapping like retarded seals? I honestly had no idea!

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 06, 2014 ⏰

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