the Beginning

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'SCREECH!BANG!', rain drops were falling heavily and a couple of minutes later I could hear the siren of police cars and ambulance pulling up. "Madam, can you hear me?" I struggled to raise my head and move my body, as I opened my eyes; everything looked upside down. The car must have flipped over.

"You're going to be okay, just hold on, we're going to get you out of there!" I heard the officer shout over the pouring of the rain, I was still strapped into my  car seat and I could see my sister unconscious in hers. I squeeze my eyes shut to clear my vision as everything looked a blur and I could feel the blood rushing to my head.

"Please, my kids, p-please help them!" My dad struggled to say as the words tripped over his tongue, he was still strapped into the drivers seat and my mom was stiff as a rock in hers. The road was wet as the rain came rushing even harder, the wind howled and whistled, the moon was nowhere to be seen and neither were the stars. The sky was gray and the only light you got from it was the lightning that came right after the heavens growled.

In the car there was not much to see. I saw flashes of lights both red and blue 'must of been from the officer's cars and ambulance'. The thing I did see the most of was thick and red as my vision blurred once again and it was hard to distinguish. As I squeeze my eyes once more, everything began to get silent and I then struggled to reopen them.

How we ended up here:

Earlier that day my family and i went to the cinema to watch Jumanji and after we would go for some ice-cream. After leaving the cinema my parents would get into one of their a-costumed arguments an my dad decided that going for ice-cream can be done another time, dad was never really strick with my sister Crystal and I, even though him an my mom would argue a lot he would always treat us like princess. "But, why? its Izzy's birthday dad and every kid has ice-cream and cake on their birthday."

Crystal assured him "Yes, daddy you promised that once I was good for the summer you would take us out today and celebrate my birthday," I would of continued where my sister dropped of, "I know and we did--" I cut my dad off deciding to go on complaining "and now you're say we  can't,  its just not fair, I wish we'd just stay at home, then---" "ENOUGH! Izzy stop complaining, I don't want to hear anymore of this we are going home and that's final."

my mom looked at him intensely and tucked the strands if her long red hair behind her ears,  they've always had a habit of falling out of place her eyes were ocean blue and her lips were rose red to my sister and I my mom was just stunning but to my dad she was just another headache to bare.

My sister was six and I was only a year apart so today I turned seven, as my dad and mom was finished strapping my sister and I into our car seats they rushed over to the driver's and passenger's side and strapped themselves in. The radio came on and never be the song from Camila Cabello started to play as my parents began arguing again.
"How can you be so selfish? Think about the kids Jack!" I heard my mom yell as she sobbed, ever since Crystal and I were young we could remember our parents arguing and fighting,  they never really seemed to make each other happy "I AM THINKING ABOUT THEM!" Mom cried even harder as my dad yelled back, My sis and I began to sing along to the words of the song to try and drown them out

'Its you babe, and I'm a sucker for the was the way that you move babe and I might try to run but it would be useless, your the blame, just my headache, me and you would never be the same' as we sang our voices getting louder "All I'm asking for is a divorce, clearly we don't enjoy each others company Jack, we can split the kids for the weekends and holidays--"

"I already told you NO! YOU ARE NOT TAKING THEM FROM ME MARILYN  THEY'RE MY CHILDREN TO!" "just like nicotine, heroine,morphine something something all I need, yeah you're all I need!" Crystal and I started to sing , "SHUT UP THE BOTH OF YOU" my dad turned at us and remarked 'beep! Beep!' "Jack, JACK!" We heard my mom scream out and soon  everyone joined in,  we were headed right for a big truck 'SCREECH! BANG!'

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 12, 2020 ⏰

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