Chapter 7| The Temporary Generals

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Okay, so before the chapter, I gotta say something to all of you that read my book. Thank you all SO much!!!! Over 500 reads? Already? Holy crap!!!! When I started this book, I never even thought that I would get past 100 reads! All of you are just the best!! Sorry i'm just internally freaking out right now! Ahhhhhhhh! Sorry! You probably wanna get on with reading the book so i'll stop talking now... oh and by the way, I hope you guys liked my April Fools chapter. But no joke, the lenny face army IS attacking... ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 

Third Person POV:

"Okay, What the heck just happened?!" Ian half shouted, his voice ringing throughout the dining room. The team was just teleported from Herobrine's Fortress back to their dining room in the sky army base.

"Well It's quite obvious that Herobrine happened." Seto said sarcastically.

"Well no shit Sherlock!" Mitch snapped.

"Mitch, do you know what sarcasm is?" 

"Whatever. So, what do we do now?"

"Well," Adam said, taking initiative. "I think that first we should fan out, find some of our most trustworthy, responsible, and capable recruits from each of our sections, and have them be in charge of the base while we're gone."

"Yeah, but what are we supposed to tell them when they ask why we'll be gone?" Quentin asked. "Notch is evil and is gonna kill us all, so we need to go help Herobrine save the world?"

"Uhh... yeah no" Jerome said. "They would just think we're crazy, or well... crazier."

"We're not going to tell them anything, remember." Seto said. 

"Then what do we tell them?" Ian asked.


"So yeah, that's why we will be gone for a while." Adam said standing up in front of the meeting room table. The generals had already found recruits to temporarily take their place and were now in the meeting room briefing them on the details.

"So wait," a sky army recruit spoke up, "You guys are going to be gone for who knows how long... on a fishing trip? This doesn't make any sense."

"Uhh... yes?" Mitch said, sounding unsure.

"It's um... it's more of like a family visit thing... ya'know, for Quentin." Jerome said, trying to stifle a laugh. Quentin was trying not to look too mad. 

"Yep. That's why we're leaving." Quentin said through gritted teeth. 

"So, um that's why we're leaving, would you generals introduce your recruits to the others, since they will be working with the other temporary generals for a little while." Adam said. "I'll start. Everyone, this is Jordan Sparkles. He is a very trustworthy and responsible recruit and is at the top of the list with his skills and battle strategies. Plus he makes some killer mix tapes."

"Uh... hi. I'm Jordan." the man said. "Or if you want to call me Captain Sparkles. That's cool too."

"Oh me next!" Jerome said standing up, his recruit doing the same. "Guys, this is preston, and he can shoot lava out of his hands!"

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