A prince or princess who marries without the consent of the government, that person forfeits the right of succession for his/her children and all other descendants.
While prostitution is legal, it is illegal to use the services of a prostitute.
You may only own half a meter down in the ground of any land you own
It is illegal to repaint a house without a painting license and the government’s permission.
If you release pigs into a acornwood (or a beechnutwood) mutually owned by you and at least one more, and exceeded your quota of allowed pigs, you will have to pay a fine for each each pig to the other owners and to restore any damages caused by the extra pigs.
Your rights to any ground that you own is only to depth of half a meter.
It is illegal to paint your house without first getting a license.
During the long hours of winter darkness it is illegal to complain that you wish it were sunny.