So we were doing our finals in class the other day and if EVERYONE finishes we get to have free time so in class everyone finally finished and i was going crazy at this point cause i cant sit still for the life of me. So anyways this kid was playing fortnite on the Chromebook and the teacher yelled at him (everyone was doing stuff on the Chromebook, she allowed us to play on the Chromebook) meanwhile this kid was BLASTING rap music thats talking about doing drugs and banging girls. So me being as annoyed as I was said to her "how is he not allowed to play a game on the computer but hes allowed to blast inappropriate music" then the kid says "you know what? I cant beat you up but I can get someone to fight you." so i was all like okay you do that lmao. At that point it was time to go to the next class which was specials so the teachers went downstairs and we were talking about what happend and i walked past where he was and was like "get the fuck away from me¨ like i wasn't even trying to walk next to him we just happend to be going the same place. He tried to get two people to beat us up. And the next day my friend and I were staying home and him and his friends were bullying my other friend.
sorry that might have been hard to understand.