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We are on a dinner with my mother's friend.To be exact it's her boss.Honestly,l don't why l am here.She said she has a surprise for me.He seems a nice guy,but l can't figure out what she's planning.

“You know Y/n l have a son and he's in the same age as you.”

“Really?l'd like to meet him one day.”

“Oh,you will sooner or later.” He says looking away.

Ok,that was weird.

“So Y/n l told you that l have a surprise for you.” You nod. “Well..”

She goes and sits next to that man.  “He and l...we..”

You swallow.This was going on so soo wrong.Your mother locks her fingers with his.You were able to see her bright smile when she looked at him.

“Y/n,we are getting married. ”

My heart broke into 2 pieces.

“And we will get married in 5 months.What do u think?”


“I know it's quite sudden,but l promise you.l love your mother and l'll be a good father to you-”  You interupt.

“I do have a father, sir and you aren't going to take his place, slight correction.”

“No!That's not what l meant!What l mean is that l love you as my daughter and l love your mother too.She always talks about you and l feel like l know you.”

“It's not that l have a problem with my mother getting married again.The problem is that l don't know anything about you,sir.”

“You can-”

“Stop.”  You sit up.  “Now excuse me,but l don't feel very well.Mum,l'll go to sleep in Lisa's tonight.”


“Please don't.Thank you for the dinner.l hope that l didn't destroy the mood.Have fun.”

Your mother was ready to speak again,but he stopped her.

“It's ok,Y/n.l hope to speak again some other time.” He takes his hand out.You hold his hand and smile.

After that you went to Lisa's house.The night went silently.You didn't talk or eat much.Lisa was quite stubborn to learn what happened,but in the end she gave up.

School, Next day
Y/n's POV

l am so tired from last night.l didn't sleep at all and when l woke up my phone was attacked by my mother's messages,which l did not reply.

School has finished for today.

l was walking towards the exit of the school with Lisa.l saw a boy staring at me.

“A hot bae is looking at you.” Lisa says, smirking.

“I know.He can't be from our school.” You reply.

“Yeah,he must friends with those bitches.”

“Yep, propably.”

“Do you wanna go to eat something?l'm hungry.”

“Sure,why not?” We walked past the hot boy and then..

“Are you Y/n?”  Lisa and you froze.

“Yeah? ” You turned around to face him.

Damn boy,he is hot af.

“Your mother told me to get you from school

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“Your mother told me to get you from school.”

“Yeah,yeah l don't believe you.Come on,let's go Lisa.”

“You are a stupid and a stubborn one.” He mumbles and grabs you by the arm.

“What the fuck are you doing?!”

“I don't have time for this ,little girl. Get on.”

“What are you talking about?Get on where?”

“My thing,princess.”

“Your what?!You are being rude now.” You didn't just get very angry,but very angry. “Now let me go before l kick your balls.”

“Haha..” He pulls you to him.

“Did you think that l wanted you to ride my dick.” He whispers in your ear. “Unfortunately,we can't do that.” He smirks and lets go of me.

“I'm your stepbrother,Jimin.”


“Are you Mr.Park's son?”

“Do you know him?”

“She will explain to you another time.You can go now.” He grabs you by the waist. “l'll take good care of her.” He says and looks into your widen eyes.You swallow and nod.

“ok,call me when you get home.” Lisa says, still looking a bit hesitant.

“l will.” You snap out of it and push him away from you.

Lisa left.

“Aishh..” He passed you a black helmet and he wore another one.

“What's that for?”

“To wear it.” He gets on a nice black motorbike behind him. “Come on,we will be late.”

“For what?” you ask.

“l'll explain later.”

“And how can l trust you that you'll do nothing to me?”

“C'mon I'm not a bad guy” He smirks, teasing you.

You smirk and wear the helmet. “I have to find out then.”

To be continued...

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