Chapter 1

79 5 0

Word count = 1024

Trigger warnings!
Mentions of suicide, alcohol abuse, schools fights, blood, bullying, swearing.

Your POV

"Come on Y/N!! Get your ass out of bed or you will be late again!" I hear my mum's voice shouting me from downstairs, awaking me from my slumber.

"Yeah..." Checking the time, I freeze. My alarm clock reads 7:45am and school starts at 7:55am. "SHIT! MUM WHY DIDN'T YOU WAKE ME UP EARLIER?!" I scramble out of bed, a little disorientated. 

"Language Y/n and  you hate being woken up. Let this be a lesson." My mum sasses as she watches me rush around my room with a kind smile on her face.

"I don't have time for fucking lessons!" I run madly around the house. Brush my teeth, brush my hair, get dressed, grab my bag, say goodbye to mum and run. I check my watch, slowing down into a walk as I do so. 3 minutes to the bell. 'Good job I live around the corner.'  Breaking into a sprint, I enter class, sit down and then the bell goes.

"That was a close one today Miss Y/L/N (Your Last Name)."

"I'm so sorry sir! I forgot to set my alarm!"

"It's okay, but one more late this week and it is detention after school."

"Yes, sir."

At Lunch.

After I get my lunch from the dinner hall, I sit down at a table by myself as I have no friends. I'm the freak of the school or whatever you want to call me. The loner, loser, freak, slut, hoe, poor, fat, ugly, bitch, unwanted. You name it, I've probably been called it. "Well, well, well.... look who we have here." I slowly look up to see Nari and her minions. Nari has made my life a living hell ever since I moved here. She is the cliché popular bully who gets whoever or whatever she wants.


Meet her minions:

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Meet her minions:


Rich, stuck up and a gold digger.

Rich, stuck up and a gold digger

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My ex-best friend, traitor and manipulative.

I sigh "What do you want?" I have noticed that Bora and Hye don't actually say anything but they only nod to what Nari says

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I sigh "What do you want?" I have noticed that Bora and Hye don't actually say anything but they only nod to what Nari says.

"Oh, you know! We just wanted to have some girl time with you." She smiles wickedly and they all sit at the empty chairs at the table.

"Oh, can I have some of your spaghetti bolognese?! PLEASE?!" Nari begs.

"Umm, s-sure." I push my plate over to her and she picks the plate up. Everything happens so quick that I can't comprehend what is happening until after. There stood Nari with an empty plate. Looking down at myself, I stare in shock. "YOU BITCH!" I screech as I see the spaghetti bolognese all over me. Everyone in the hall is now staring at us. Laughing at me. I grab my bag and run through the halls.  

Whilst making my way to the bathroom, I bump into someone. "Watch where you're going, freak." One of them says. I look up and I am met with the sight of the Bangtan Boys. Aka, BTS. "Ah, I'm sorry!" I take a few steps back and bow 90 degrees; staying there a few seconds before I run off into the girls bathroom.

Time skip to home time

The bell goes and I grab my packed bag and run out of school only to be met with fucking Nari. She has more people around as well. Looking around, I count about 20 people surrounding us and more are coming. "Oh for fuck sake!" I whisper to myself.

"Let's have some fun. Shall we?"

"We shan't. Let me go home Nari. I haven't done anything to you."

"Oh, but you did." She walks closer to me and I back away only to be pushed forward by the crowd that is foming around us. "You called me a Bitch and do you remember what happens when you lie Y/N?"

I gulp. "Y-yes." I stutter and hate myself immediately after for showing that I'm scared.

"Good, you're scared. Anyway, let's get this show on the road!" She yells excitedly. The crowd cheers and I see people take their phones out to record what is about to happen to me. Nari sends a punch to my face and I stumble back, clutching my bleeding nose.

'This is going to be a long and painful evening.'

I wake up dazed and in a pool of my own blood. Trying to fight the darkness that is creeping up on me, I struggle to stand up.

One step

Two steps

Three steps

Four steps

Soon enough, I have arrived home.

Grabbing my keys from my pocket, I unlock the front door to be greeted by the smell of alcohol. 'Dad's home. Shit.'  I rush into the house to be greeted by police and a medical team. My father is sat in the corner of the living room shaking and drowning himself in alcohol. Confused, I ask what has happened. A policewoman looks sombre as she speaks, "Unfortunately, your mother has taken her life. We had a call around 1pm today that said somebody heard a gunshot from this address. This was in her hand." She hands me a note and I stare in disbelief. 

"T-" tears stream from my eyes as I clear my throat, "this can't be happening." I fall to the floor in shock, hugging my knees close to my chest as I bury my head in them. The faint voice of a paramedic ask me if I am okay but all I can think about is how I treated my mother this morning. It's all my fault. Sobs wrack my body as I fall into a full blown breakdown. Quite voices ask me if I'm alright but all I can focus on is the dark spots clouding my vision before I pass out for a second time today.

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