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Thank you for choosing to read Far from the Sea, a prequel to my full length novel Stolen.  Please keep in mind that this is a first draft and bound to have rough spots in terms of grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.  Comments, questions, and constructive criticism are encouraged.  

Copyright Jessica Titone 2018.  All rights reserved.


TThe sea had swallowed Liesel.

Darkness closed in on all sides. The undercurrent wound its grasp around her ankles and dragged her deeper. She considered fighting against it but lacked the strength to resist. Water would soon fill her lungs and silence her breath forever. Strangely, submitting to her fate was peaceful. Pleasant, almost.

A ball of light glimmered in the distance. Odd, she thought. At this depth, light should came only from above. Her arms stretched toward it, the motion temporarily suspending her in the watery, cold depths. The glowing orb drew closer - just close enough that her fingertips could graze the edge of its halo. At her touch, the light grew stronger, sending illuminated ripples out in every direction. Was it an invitation? She made one more grab, and this time successfully closed her fingers around it. But it was not hers to keep. Once she opened her hand to glimpse the prize inside, the underwater world faded and fell away.

Liesel jolted awake. Sweat covered her body. Thunder broke through the rhythm of rain against the windows. She was hot. Too hot. Her skin burned. She threw back the quilt, lying still as the last dregs of the dream dissipated. Her sister, Gretchen, snored softly beside her. Despite the storm churning outside, the house was peaceful.

The dreams had plagued for her as long as she could remember. She might have grown accustomed to them in time, had they not seemed so real. Each as vivid and intense as the last, it became difficult to discern them from the waking world. The old ladies of the village would say she had The Sight. While once considered a gift, magic of any sort had become a source of fear. She'd be branded a witch or worse. Besides, it wasn't as if her visions always came true.

Only sometimes.


Dreams that predict the future - sounds like a gift, although Liesel doesn't seem to think so.  What could this dream mean?  Guess you'll have to keep reading to find out.

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