The apology and the adventure -part 2.

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AN-Hello again. Right sooo, yeah. On tumblr I said that if you didn't want to read the last chapter to the mature adult themes, I would surmise it in the AN. So basically, ikari was in a relationship with a two faced twit. He was gentlemanly to her family, but abused her instead. They had christmas. She talked to George and Luke about it. The Doctor showed up and their mental link was strengthened. The situation was explained to him. Upon his introduction, ikky and the twit argued. He turned violent and stabbed her. At the end of the last chapter you were left with an evil cliffhanger, not knowing if Ikari was alive or not, and not knowing what happened to the twit as the ambulance arrived. Sorry if you did read it. Anyway lets continue. Due to the last chapter being morbid, i don't feel like using a catchphrase. :(.

The apology and the adventure-part 2
I hear George chuckle. I glare at him in disgust. He looks at me back with a huge grin on his face, tears streaming down his cheeks.
"She's alive." I check her pulse, disbelieving. My grief and sadness transforms into a laugh.
"You're a fighter, Ikari." I say, voice filled with relief. The arrival of the paramedics, gives me respite. They work on keeping her alive, congratulating George and asking him questions. I look around, and see that John and the scumbag have left. I make to go and find them but George's hand on my shoulder stops me. I turn round and look at him confused.
"Would you go and tell the others that she's alive and being taken to hospital. Please Doctor."
"I have to tell John as well." I counter truthfully.
"He went the same way as everybody else. They're in the kitchen." He says as I head to the door. Glancing at Ikari, I realise that my guilt hasn't left. It has just become subdued. I can't seem to get anything right. I walk into the kitchen, seeing six tear stained faces looking back at me. I walk over to them, not sure on what to say. Then I tell them what I have to.
"She's alive, and being taken to hospital." Helen just grabs me in a massive hug.
"Thank you, Doctor. If she hadn't have had your help, she wouldn't be alive. However I'm still fuming with you for leaving her in the first place." That's perfectly understandable, everyone else is just happy crying. The relief is evident in their sobbing. I gently push Helen away and find out what I need to know.
"Where did John go?" I ask, realising the anger over what he's done to her is rising. How could he harm her like that!?
"He's on the garden." I turn towards the back door, but she grabs my arm. She wants to know what I'm going to say.
"I know you're angry, but John will give him what he deserves. Just don't lower yourself to his standards." I nod quickly, before entering the garden. At any other time I would've just stood and marvelled at the vast garden, full to bursting with blooming flowers, trees and greenery. Greenery? Is that a word? I hope it is. Shouting at the bottom of the garden drags me out of my thoughts, and back into reality. When they come into view, I see John pinning the animal to the trunk of a tree. I walk over, and the shouting becomes clearer, and I can hear what they're saying.

I've got the bastard pinned to the oak tree at the bottom of the garden. He still hasn't answered me. Before I can repeat the question, yet again, he replies.
"She deserved it." Those three words send me into a deeper rage, which is like the flames residing in Smaug's chest. (AN- I couldn't not. It was too good to pass up on. Anyways back to the shouting match.)
"What did you say?" I ask, the seething venom all too obvious in my voice.
"She doesn't deserve to be treated better than any other girl! But oh no, she's too smart and too rich to be treated like anyone else! Not only that but her face is ugly, those scars are disturbing and vile to look at! I don't see why you just don't get them removed. I only ever wanted her because of her body and her wealth. I don't even know when her birthday is. I don't care! She was brave though, she fought me every step of the way, I had to show her that she's no better than anyone else. But bravery couldn't save her from me." I want to kill him. He doesn't deserve to keep breathing. Instead I resort to a milder form of violence. I swing for his face, hit his cheek and break his nose. Just like he will have done to her. I swing again, but this time a friendly voice stops me.

"John! Don't lower yourself to his standards. She wouldn't want you to become an animal like him." I plead, desperate to stop the pounding, knowing it will achieve nothing. He unclenches his fist and pushes him roughly against the huge tree.
"You even think of degrading her like this again, and I will kill you." He spits, his threat full with malice.
"Hmp. You think your threats scare me? I know that they're not empty, but I have nothing left up here. In fact killing me would be a kindness, especially due to the fact that it will get your precious little Ikari no justice. Even if she does survive." How dare he think that she will die! Her wounds are bad, but not fatal! Hopefully.
"She will survive, because of she's stronger and braver than you ever could be!" I have every right to express my undiluted hatred for the animal. He never could've deserved her. His cackling laughter snaps my head to face him. He looks me in the eye, and I realise how dead and flat his eyes are. They aren't just predatory they're sinister and deadly.
"She cold never survive this. Even if she does begin to heal, she will have lost too much blood to replace it. She will never recover." He is slammed violently against the tree, his groan is easily heard, and John rages on.
"Hmp, now you know what it was like when you hit her, and smashed her ribs. There's one thing you could never know about Ikari, she is a fighter, and she will survive you." John lets go, he slams against the ground, and groans again. John marches back into the house and begins to talk to everyone about what is going on. I crouch down and face him. He looks up, blood pouring from his crooked nose, and a swollen eye struggles to focus. Forcing my hatred down is a hard thing to do confronted with him, but I have to do it, for Ikari.
"You really shouldn't have pursued her. The only thing that can come out of this for you is a lifetime in prison. You will never be able to forget this, and you will be convicted. But before you are, I want you to know one thing, one little thing about her. Her face is perfect the way it is, and I will always love everything about her. She was never worthy of you." I stand up, dragging him up with me before pushing him into the kitchen. John turns and scowls before leaving. Helen walks up, tears pouring out of her eyes, and slaps him around the face. Luke and his girlfriend turn the other way in disgust and George walks up.
"Doctor, give him to me. Dad's gone to call the police, I'll keep him out of the way."
"I'm not letting go of him until they get here." I say, defiant and protective of her family. I won't make the same mistake with them as I did her.
"Doctor, you belong with her. You need to make sure she's going to be all right. Go to the hospital. We'll take care of him." I search my brain for a reason to stay, but there's nothing. I sigh, before handing him over. George takes him out of the kitchen, and I head back towards the TARDIS to leave but Helen stops me.
"Doctor, wait." I turn round, a sullen look on my face. Why is this happening? Why is it happening to her? "You don't need to go alone. Let Luke take you. He cares about her, and he can let us know how she's doing. Please. Just take a friend with you, everybody needs friends." She begs, and I, surprisingly, listen. Maybe it's her mothering nature.
"Ok, but I am not leaving her side. Not now. Please understand that Helen." I have to keep her safe. Nothing like this is ever going to happen to Ikari again, because I'll be standing in the way. (AN-Awwwwwww! The feels.) She gives me a small smile, reassuring me that everything is going to be fine, but I can only feel the anger at him and my guilt for leaving. I get tapped on the shoulder, I turn and see Luke.
"Come on then Doctor. The more we stand around talking the less we know about her condition." I just nod and follow him, resigning myself from the world. If she, dies, I will never forgive myself for leaving. I will never save anyone again, I won't have the hearts to do it with.

AN-im sooooooo sorry this took so long, n i know its kinda short but shiz has got in the way. I will try to update soon but i am away for 2 weeks so stuff might be patchy. I am really sorry over all this but life happens. The rest will be a lot longer, I swear just give me some time. Until next time, may the odds be ever in your favour.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 20, 2014 ⏰

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