Reylo Part 1

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"Rey, join me. We can take over the Galaxy! I know you want to be with me. I've seen it in your mind." Rey looked at The man standing in front of her. She knew that this man, would be the one that would be her family. She didn't know what to say, She wanted to take his hand. But she knew the consequences that would come with joining him. She didn't want to break his heart. After all, she knew she was in love with Kylo Ren. "Ben, don't do this. Don't go down this path, please, I beg you not too." Rey pleaded.

"You do want our future to come true right? The visions you've had, I've seen them. Like the one of us standing in front of a mirror, happy. Rings on each of our hands. Don't you see Rey, we are meant to be together." Ben said. A pause. The silence was so thick that Rey thought that she could cut it with a knife. "I've seen your mind, your thoughts, your feelings. Please, join me." Said Ben. Rey didn't know what to say or what to do. She stood there agape for a while.

Rey started to process what he was saying. She thought about it, and slowly, Rey outstretched her hand to take his hand. She hesitated for a second, wondering if this was the right choice, but she listened to her heart. She took his hand and Ben looked at her with happiness and mirth in his eyes. He led her out of the room,both taking a look at smokes dead body on the ground, cut in half, and left. Ben led Rey down a long corridor and into a room.

"You will be staying here momentarily. I need to do" Ben told her. Rey just stayed silent. A few hours later, Ben returned, but he wasn't wearing a shirt when he came in. Rey remembered when the force had connected them together and Ben wasn't wearing a shirt. When she had asked, 'Can you put on a towel or something,' that was just an act. She never wanted Ben to know what she really thought of him. She stared at him for a while before Ben started speaking up.

"You're so called 'friends', will be coming for you. They probably think that I have kidnapped you." Ben said. "This would be the second time then." Rey mumbled quietly to herself. But she realized that she said out loud. She quickly covered her mouth and looked at Ben. She then saw the one thing that she never thought she would see in her life, Ben blushed. Rey started giggling, trying to not laugh at him. Ben turned away from her trying to,hide the blush on,his face. She couldn't take it anymore, she burst out laughing. Ben turned to her, a little shocked to hear her laugh, but he just rolled his eyes.

When Rey started to calm down, Ben started walking towards Rey. She had met him halfway. They kissed. For the very first time that they have ever been by each other, they Kissed. It started slow at first, but then they both relaxed. Ben lifted Rey up and set her down on the bed. Before they could get any further, there was knocking at the door. Ben flew off of Rey.. "Who is it?" Ben asked in a harsh tone, breathless.

"Its Captain Phasma." She said. "What do you need?" Ben asked, pissed that he had to stop. "Hux has requested that you come to the Bridge immediately. There is a rebel ship closing in on us." Phasma said. Ben looked at Rey, and smirked. He knew exactly what was coming for them. Phasma's steps faded into the distance and Ben looked back at Rey. "Do we now? Well this should be exciting." Ben told Rey. He offered her his hand. She took it and they both went out of the room and started walking down the long corridor again, not speaking to each other. The only sound on their way, was the sound of Machinery, and their footsteps



Thanks guys for reading this. It was a lot of fun writing it and my friends gave me heck all the time for it. I hope to update as much as possible but you guys know how life is. Again thanks for reading. I'm going to be editing while i write and publish so it's not the greatest yet. If you want another good Reylo story check out my friend  @LivSep 

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