Chapter 2

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I finally got to the dorm and found Rose on the floor looking for peanut. [peanut is a hamster]

"Rose, what happened?!" I ran towards her. "I left Peanut in her ball for a second and when I came back she was gone!" Rose was still on the floor.

"Have you checked the shoes by the door, you know she loves them" I walked towards them and she was there. "See I told you !" I said while walking towards my room.

"I'm going to do homework and rest!" I screamed, on my way towards my room. "Okay!" She replied.

I keep daydreaming while I'm doing my homework, but for some reason I can't get the guy from class off my mind. I keep remembering his touch, his voice, and his face. Everything about him is pretty much perfect. "Snap out of it y/n!" You hit yourself on in the head.

I went to sleep and went to school the next day ...

I get to class and I can't see the guy anywhere, and I'm honestly sad. I'm unpacking and someone creeps up being me. "Ahh! You scared me!" You hit him playfully on the arm. "Did you miss me? Were you looking for me?" He said while poking my arm. "You wish" I said close to his face.

"What's your name by the way?" I asked. "Jeon Jungkook" he pulled his hand out, I pull out my hand and shake his "y/n".

"We should do homework together sometime" he says while still holding onto my hand. I clear my throat, "ahh" he lets go of my hand and bows.

I laugh, "Is today okay for you?" He pops out, "uhh, yeah it's fine" I say quicker than it takes my mind to comprehend what I just said. I start asking my self questions.

"Are you crazy?" "Do you look okay?" "what if he thinks you're a little off or worse, he thinks you're weird!" By the time I stop asking myself questions it's already the end of class.

"Are you okay?" Jungkook taps your forehead, and laughs cutely. "What? Yeah" I chuckle.

Jungkook point of view

I kept smiling to myself, I couldn't really process that y/n agreed to do homework together. I couldn't stop looking at her, class ended and I look up to look for y/n. I find her and rush because she doesn't seem fine.

But she does look really adorable, I see her eyes start to close and I poke her in the forehead. "Are you okay?" I chuckle. "What? Yeah" she chuckles really cutely.

"Are you ready?" I wait for her to put her pen in her bag, then I take her hand and run towards the ice cream shop in front of the school.

Y/N point of view

I put my stuff in my bag when I felt a hand holding mine. I look up and it's jungkooks, I feel nervous but happy.

He takes me to the ice cream shop in front of our school, I can't stop thinking about how comfortable I feel already.

"What are we doing here?" You looked around and then back at him. "I thought we should talk and eat ice cream before doing homework" he responded with a smile. You nod and smile.

You both sit down and eat our ice cream, surprisingly we both like cookies and cream. Not to mention his name

"Do people call you kookie?" You ask, making him laugh a little. "Yeah.., some" tilting his head when he said some and smiling.

"Ironic" you say while putting ice cream in your mouth. "I know right" he chuckles.

"I just met you and I feel like I know you already, even though I don't at all" he poped out, surprising you. "Me too" smiling at him.

"What do you do when you're not at school?" You ask. "I'm in a boy band, so I practice and write mostly" he responds.

"Ohh really?" You continue eating your ice cream.

A couple hours later

You were having such a good time talking and getting to know each other that you didn't realise what time it was.

"Omg! We've been here for three hours" you look at your watch and show jungkook.

"Uhh we should get going then" he stands up and holds his hand out for you to take. You were hesitant, but you grabed it.

While you were walking home with him you kept taking glances at your hands holding each other.

His hand was warm and it made you feel secure and safe. "This is my stop" you look at him.

You stare at each other for about a minute but it felt like forever and you didn't mind it.

He leaned in, he got really close. You started to close your eyes but didn't feel anything. He stopped next to your ear, "Not yet...but I want to really bad" he pulled away and let go of your hand.

He looked back when walking and smiled then waved bye. You turned around to go home but couldn't stop replaying the scene and smiling to yourself.

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