Chapter 2

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I placed the single white rose among the rest flowers. Guess dad and the rest have been here. Coming here in the night always gives me a feeling of serenity.

I sat down on the cold grass, hugging my knees.

"How is it going? " I casually say. "I skipped school today..." I paused dusting a dirt off her tombstone. "I didn't feel like going, one day won't hurt right? "

I took in a deep breath and lay beside her.

"You know, I am now 17, yes it has been 10 years" I sniffed rubbing my eyes to avoid any tears, I don't want my mum to see me cry.

"Do you blame me? " I always ask her this every time I come here.

"What am I saying? Of course you do, I do also" I closed my eyes wishing she was here, brushing my hair with her hands and telling me her childhood stories.

"I love you mum"  I whispered into the night, my tear rolling down my cheek. I cried for the nth time today. I am still surprised how I still have tears left.

An hour later, I stood up dusting my jeans. I glance at her for one last time before I turned to go, walking slowing out of the cemetery.

On my way out, I heard a faint sobbing coming from the left wing of the cemetery. I stopped and listen more, the sobbing got louder and I wonder if I sound like that anytime I'm crying on my mother's grave.

Curiosity got the best of me and I started walking towards where the sob was coming from. I passed the scary oak tree and shuddered as I saw an owl staring straight back at me with it big eyes.

Getting there, I saw a guy, his slightly muscled back facing me. He was hunched over with his knees on the ground facing a grave. He was shaking violently, sobbing loudly,not caring if he would be heard. Guess I'm not the only one here.

  He didn't notice me, so I turned and left there wondering who that broken boy was.


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