Oh ma gawd!?

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•Chapter 6•

As Gaga woke up from our nap I was still asleep and she wanted me to wake up so she kissed me but I didn't wake up so she went under the covers and tried to scare me but I didn't wake up so she went up stairs where all the girls were.

"Hey sleepy pants where's angie?" questioned Katy
"She's still asleep she hasn't woken up yet." said Gaga
"LETS SLAP CAM HER!!" Said Cici.

So they went down starts with there phone and whip cream and went on each side of me.


They slap cam me with whip cream but I still didn't wake up. they finally noticed I had went in to Acoma!!

So they took me in to the hospital and they all stayed there for about 2 months and Gaga was still there and finally I woken up! Gaga was so happy to see me she started crying "Come lay with me." I told Gaga.

So she laid down with me and we went under the covers I have gaven her a hug and she kissed me on my lips very slowly and I giggled.

"Do you love me?" said Gaga
"Yes , do you love me?" I asked Gaga.
"Yes baby ofc I do!"

Then Gaga took my hand and made me feel her tummy.
I smiled , "Why am I touching you tummy?" i asked Gaga "Because I don't want it flat I want something in side it!" she told me. "NOOOO why!!!" I told her.

Then the door opened and the girls were running in and jumped on the bed and a hour later we went to Amelia's house and we had the best night ever!!

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