Foster Mother?!?!?

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Madea's POV:

"All I want is my damn money!!! Why the hell do I have to be in this damn courtroom for I'm a grown ass woman who wants her money!!"

Balif~"All rise for Judge Maple"

(Courtroom arises as Judge Maple walks in)

Balif~"You may be seated"

No one's POV:

Madea~(whispers to Brian) "I hope I get to see Kahyra's ugly ass face again!! Shoot tryna con me!! Who the hell she think she is??"

Brian~"Now Madea, don't say anything that'll make Jude Maple send you to jail"

Madea~"All I want is my moneyy💰💰💰💰!!! Imma get my money"

Judge Maple~"Madea, didn't I tell you that I didn't want to see you in my courtroom again?!?!?"

Madea~"Heller Judge Maple!! Did you do something to you hair💆!!! Ooo gurl I luh your hairer💓"

Judge Maple~ "Madea"

Madea~ "Yes?"

Judge Maple~ "What's the problem this time" (exhaust in her tone)

Madea~ "That women over there stole my god damn money & robbed me"

Kahyra~ ( Popping her gum/ while rolling eyes) "So it wasn't like she needed it anyway"

Judge Maple~ "Well Madea, Kahyra dosen't have the conditions to raise her daughter in a stable home"

Madea~ "So! Why do I care!?" (sarcastically)

Judge Maple~ "Let me just go ahead and say it"

Kahyra~ (Irrated) "What you tryna say Judge?! What you tryna say!? Hugh?! Is you tryna say that I can't take care of my daughter!?"(Furious)

Judge Maple~ "Kahyra, according to your record i can't say otherwise."

Kahyra~ ( Angered) " What does my record state, since "you know everything than !"

Madea~ "Little girl shutup! So we can go home." (Speaks in a loud voice going all the way across the room) oooh she so bugy"(bugee- however you spell it)

Judge Maple~ " Madea I'm not talking to you, i'm talking to Kahyra. Now Kahyra, it says here that in 2002 you traded Ciara for drugs.It also says, that in 2004 you sold Ciara to your drug-addict uncle for were then charged for child abuse. And you were arrested for drunk driven when Ciara was (squints eyes at paper to make sure thats what it says) two..tow really? She could've died!" (shakes head and sighs)

Kahyra~ (trying to explain herslef to the judge) "But-but i was single, a teen mom at that & i was really stupid,plus Ciara was young then. I bet she dosen't"-GCO

(A/N: GCO means gets cutt off if you didnt know)

Judge Maple~(Interrupts Kahyra) "Enough Kahyra!"


Judge Maple~ "kahyra i said enough!"(angry)

Madea~"It was nice watching the Trisha Show, now what were my options Judge?"

Judge Maple~ "Yes, Madea you can either be a foster mother or you can be a prison mother!"

Brian~ (whispers to Madea) Aunt Madea, I would advise you to choose to be the foster mother."

Madea~ "Brian I aint got time to foster no damn child! Aren't  your kids enough!?" (rolls eyes)

Brian~ "Madea it's either that or jail"

Madea~ "Well then you betta pack my suit case and blow me a kiss,  cuz my ass is going to jail!"

Brian~ "Aunt Madea im srious!"

Madea~" Hell, I'm serious too!"

Judge Maple~"Madea have you come up with a desicion yet?"

Brian+Madea~ (in union) "Yes!"

Judge Maple~ "So"

Madea~ " I'll take the prison mother for two hunned allecs."

Brian~ (gives Madea the side eye) "She'll take the foster mother" (Madea gives him the i-know-you-just-didnt-do-that! eye

Judge Maple~"Alright Kahyra is found guilty on the counts of child abuse, drunk drivenn, drugs, etc; Case dismissed! Baliff call in the next people!"

~hey, so how it going so far?

~whats gonna happen next?


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