^Picture is your pjs^
Your pov:

"DAD STOP" I screamed. "What did you say" he asked as he let go of my mom. "I.Said.Stop" I repeat. "Just because you're 18 now doesn't mean you are strong" the devils son (dad) said. "Not without a weapon" I said. I glanced over to my mom.

Her eyes were lifeless.Her body was as pale as snow. Her hair started to drain of colour. Her clothes was ripped to shreds. A massive puddle of blood surrounded around my dead mom.

I shifted my eyes to the sex addict man. "Your gonna burn" I narrowed my eyes and took out my sword. "So you're the demon of the city" my dad said. "Is that what they call me? I think I'm more of a hero. I kill people who deserve it and my big mistake was not killing you first" I retorted back.

The monster who killed my mom started to walk up to me. "You won't kill me , your a girl , you don't have the guts" he mocked. He was an inch away from me. 'Perfect , he is just walking to his death. This is better then what I planed' I thought to myself.

I pushed the knife straight into his heart. "Enjoy the slow , agonising death. And as I promised ..." I pulled out a lighter. I turned it on and lit his clothing on fire. "... Have fun burning to death" I whispered as his loud screams filled my ego with joy. He dropped to the ground and rolled himself around on the same floor he abused my mother and I.

"As much as I would love to stay and watch you burn , I gotta bounce" and with that , I rushed out the house. 'Good thing the FBI and the Government is on my side. They let me kill whoever for whatever reason' I thought to myself.

2 years later

'The government gave me a mansion for all my 'hard work'... get the fuck out of here!  I deserve a fucking mansion! So many people are after me for revenge , especially my grandma. When I think about it , grandma's next. The wolf is coming to take your heart grandma' I chuckle to myself.

I slip into my soft pyjamas.I pulled the blanket away and slipped in. I pulled the blanket to my body to keep me warm. I mentally prepared myself to sleep as it usually takes ages. My eyes shut. I finely drift off to the word of dreams.


I was on the roof. My target was partying on a roof 5 buildings away. The name of my target is Mark Fischbach -the dick that got away.

The government didn't like him at all! Apparently he started scamming people but the people he scams never get to see the light of day ever again. My boss ( the government ) nearly got caught by this guy.

'No time to waist' I motivate myself and pulled the trigger. A bullet shot from the gun but he spotted me. He pulled an innocent bystander in front of him , using them as a human shield. "Shit" I muttered to myself. "What happened" the person on the phone asked. "He spotted me! Fuck! I really messed this one up" I whispered.

The criminal just stood there ... amused. He grabbed his phone and pointed it to me. I duck down but I left my hand in the air , giving him the middle finger.

I grabbed my equipment (with my face still hidden) and packed up. "I ... I got to go" I said. I finely pressed the 'end call' button.

Soon after , everything turned darker then the colour black.

*Dream Ended*


I woke up to an unusual noise. I checked the time to see it was 3 am. It was obvious what had just happened. 'Someone broke in!' I quickly got out of my bed. I quietly rushed to my elevator. My elevator doesn't have that annoying person speak and is extremely quiet so that is extremely helpful in these situations.

The elevator door opens and I quickly slip inside. I rapidly hit the basement button. The elevator door shuts and I was moving.

A few seconds later I have reached my destination. The doors open and I run out. I quietly run to the painting on the wall. I opened the hidden door and walk in ( shutting it right behind me ). 'My weapon room. I feel safer already' I thought to myself.

I grab my FA Glock -that was already loaded- and left. 'No need for another gun , always get a headshot except that one that got away. Still bugs me till this day' I thought.

I went up the stairs and saw my grandma. I sneaked up behind her. I pointed the gun to her head and without thinking , I shot her.

She dropped to the cold , wooden floor. Blood poring out of her head. 'This is a beautiful view' I thought.

"Alexa , call boss" I commanded. "Calling boss" Alexa repeated and the annoying ringing commenced.

'Pick up dick' I thought. After a few rings , he finely picked up. "Why are you calling me so early" Mr Government asked. His voice echoed around the house."I just killed my grandma. She broke into my house" I calmly said. "O shit!"
"Should I get a dog" I asked. "Focus (Y/n)! I'm sending someone to pick up the body" he said. "Ok ... who" I asked. "Alex Smith" he answered. "Ok bye" I said and hung up.

I notice a bag on the floor. I get closer. I unzip the bag to find weapons. Swords , guns , bats , axes and bombs... 'Mama just got new toys to play with' I chuckle.

I zip the bag and grabbed it. "You shouldn't be playing with these grandma , you could hurt yourself" I teased at my dead grandma. 'Looks like I have no family left' I thought.

I went back to the basement , into my weapons room and light placed the new weapons on the table. I shut he door and place the painting back onto the wall.

I take the elevator up to my bedroom. I was about to fall asleep. I was so tired.

I finely trudged my way to my bedroom. I belly flopped onto my bed and rolled myself up. 'Time for some proper sleep' I mentally told myself. My eyes shut and I was instantly taken to land of sleep.

A/n hey guys ! So how did you like the first chapter. You got some backstory , you got the future , you got a girl that thinks she is being funny and a dead family! What's not to love about the ! Anyway , smack the vote button and please spread the word of this book to your other Markipler fans! Take it easy , guys , gals and nonbinary pals. Peace out ✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️✌️

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2018 ⏰

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