Spiders - Chapter 1

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© Kyra Isbell 2012

          Haha, first chapter! I hope you guys enjoy and this book actually becomes popular... haha so if you read this will you please help promote? Just mention it maybe? Oh, and my character list thing isn't working so I'll mention each character chapter by chapter ;-)

          Please Vote, Comment and Fan! The picture to the right is Michael Bait (aka Asher Book)


          I'd always hated spiders. For as long as I can remember I'd always had a terrible fear of them. But here I sit, looking at three little spiders walking in an un-characteristically fine little line across a slab of cracked sidewalk. Fascinating little creatures, spiders. Unbelievably terrifying in my book, but still all the fascinating.

          "Lee, honey, come inside before you catch a cold," my mother says behind me, making me jump. I turn my head to see her standing there, her warm hazel eyes looking at me worriedly, her hands wrapped around her stomach trying to keep them warm.

          "Alright Mom, gimmie a minute or two though okay?" I say back to her. She turns her head dismissively. Her honey blond hair catches the light and shines beautifully before the door closes quietly behind her.

          I look out at the smokey grey sky that has now covered up my beautiful sun. My breath making perfect white clouds in the frosty cold, telling me that another cold winter is about to take over what was my favorite season of the year; Autumn.

          "Hey," I hear his familiar voice and suddenly I feel relaxed.

          "Hey Michael," I say back. I look up from my seat on the stairs leading up to are shaky apartment and see the face that I've known since I was five years old. His warm deep brown eyes comfort me. 

          "You cold?" He says grabbing my practically-frozen hands in his, holds them up to his lips and blows warm air through them, successfully bringing back feeling to them. He's done this for years and always succeeded. 

          "Thank you," I say breathlessly. I slide my hands back into the comfort of my jacket pockets.

          There is a long pause, "So when are you leaving?" he looks at me but I refuse to look back, fearing I might burst into tears.

          Michale has been my best friend for as long as I can remember. From the day we both saw the iPod left on the ground by a careless pedestrian. We practically killed each other that day, but I finally had won it from him, with a death-like blow to his nose. It hasn't sat right ever since. Over the next year we had fought over plenty of things carelessly discarded on the streets. A jacket here, a pair of hardly used shoes there, I'd mostly lost a lot of these fights. 

          But one of these days, when he was about to punch me he stopped. Flat out looked at me, and just stopped, let go of the blanket we had been fighting over, and let go. He simply had held out his hand, and we shook on it. Never a spoken law, but we would even out the items. Take turns almost. Our relationship grew from there.

          "Lee?" he snaps me out of thought.

          I cough trying to hold back the tears threatening to spill over my heating cheeks, "Um, this Monday."

          "Oh. Well we still have a couple days left before the wicked warlock of the west drags you away to your imprisonment," he says in a stuffy rich-kid accent. 

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