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~Hey guys so right now we're going to pick up at ep two "Guts" I had to search that up...
Don't ask..
Now enjoy(p.s it's your p.o.v!)~

I lay in the dark grass, it hasn't rain seen last fall and I don't care.
I look at the sky smiling when I see a dark figure jump across a apartment building, I sat up.

Who ever that is, is heading for the heart of the city..
They're dead if I don't help them!

I yelled in my thoughts before getting up and climbing the ladder at the side of the building.
After reaching the top I see the tall man he had a light blue backpack and some old baggy clothes, he was looking down at the city before continuing to ran across the buildings, I take out my guns' and but them on silent (sorry but I know nothing about guns...).
Instarted picking up speed as i closed up on the man, he didn't seem to be aware of my arrival so I continued running until he see me and falls to the ground.
I laughed and help him up,

I said somewhat cheerfully

He laughs at your laughter then asks,
"What are you doing in the city, it's over ran by walkers."

"Don't mind that, what are you doing in the city jumping from building to building, I know you don't want to be Spider-Man!"
I giggled which made his face go a light pink

"I'm on a supply run, but I saw this guy riding a horse and I wanted to help him."
He said I quickly nodded and looked over the building I saw the man, he wasn't in the heart yet we could still save him

I opened my mouth to yell out to the guy but I shut it as I saw walkers surrounding him.
I instantly began shooting the walkers as the man right next to me pulls my arm,

"Look you shoot and I'll get him out, follow behind me or just stay on the buildings."
He ordered, I quickly nodded and went back to shooting the walkers.

Before the man next to me could leave I shouted,
"Hey what's your name?"

"Glenn, What's yours?"
He answered/repiled

I yelled before shooting other walker

The man had left his horse and was now getting inside a tank, I wanted to go down there and through him on a building but that would mean to exposed myself, and I don't want to do that.
Glenn was talking to himself or on the radio I couldn't tell.
Then he quickly climbed down the other ladder and yelled something.
I saw the man up close, he didn't seem to noice me so I shamelessly studied him.
The man followed Glenn jumping buildings, I swear it looked like he was trying to be Spider-Man.
I ran after them keeping a safe distance, and I saw them enter a store.
I walked in and saw then running up the stairs so I followed, they opened a large metal door, I slipped through before it closed.

"Dixon what the hell!
Your blowing it up down there!"
Some girl snapped as Glenn backed away

I giggled and the guy named Dixon yelled,
"I don't give a damn about you!"
He pointed his gun at the girl,
I instantly took my gun out and pointed at him but he still didn't see me,
"Or you!"
He pointed he gun at a dark skinned guy who filpped him off,
"Or this whole goddamn city!"
He yelled then looked over at me

"Who the fuck are you?"
He asked, I smiled and Glenn answered for me,
"That's Y/A, she help me get this guy."
He looked at the man you helped him save.

The man shot you grateful smile,
Then the dark skinned man started talking,

"Dixon, chill we already got enough of them on our asses!"

Dixon looked at him,
"That'll be the day I listen to a nigger."

The dark man's skin turned into a light pink as he attacked Dixon, who was attempting to fight back.
I shot my gun in the air, one of my guns I didn't put on silent.

"Look at yourself!
Your a group and your now fighting!
You need to work together if your going to make it out alive!"
I snapped making sure everyone heard

Some of them nodded and they rest said something under their breath.


I watched Glenn enter a red car (sorry not good with cars ether!!)
You sure you want to stay?!"
He yells and I nodded waving bye as he drives of.

I watched them all leave with a fown but then remember that T-dog, The dark skinned man handcuffed Dixon to the roof.
I quickly ran over there then catch a scent of blood, I started to worry as I reached the roof.
I saw the man cutting off his hand, I ran away gagging, my old habits coming back, I was never a fan of blood, I lightly hit my chest and went back to see walkers breaking down the door,

"Hey asshole over her!"
I screamed and he rans to me

When he reaches me, I helped him jump across the building.

"Thanks princess"
He smirks and I gave a short and quiet growl

"Go and don't come back!"
I snapped as he rushes away

I quickly sit down and shot some of the walkers wondering were that small group went.

~Rick's P.O.V~

We all got in the car, well except the man named Dixon, T-Dog cuffed him to the roof.
I saw Y/A one last time, I waved bye and she did the same.


When we arrived we saw Glenn getting yelled at, that made me laugh.
I stayed inside the car as I watched the others get out and hug family and friends.

"Glenn, who's this Rick guy?"
I heard a older man with white beard and hair say

Glenn pointed at me while I was getting out of the car, I looked around and saw Lori.
I ran to her and put her in a tight hug, I then saw my son Carl, he joined the hug.
We stood like that for a couple of minutes before I saw Shane I gave him a quick hug and smiled.

"I didn't think is was gonna be a family reunion."
I heard some laugh I turned around and saw Y/A.

~Hey guys!
I hope you enjoyed this!
Or whatever I only stay up the whole night.
Ok so I want to make the chapters at least 1,000 words long if I don't .....sue me.
(P.s I'll look for spelling mistakes in the afternoon I gotta go to school!)
So yeah have a nice night/day!~

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