mysterious ❁ d.s◦

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part two of dangerous x

liked by jonahmarais and 252, 049 othersseaveydaniel ill-fated

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liked by jonahmarais and 252, 049 others
seaveydaniel ill-fated


I leaned back in the leather car seat, my head couldn't wrap around what was going on. What does he mean by weakness? Can't hear anything inside my head?

"I'm sorry I'll explain soon just please don't be scared." He said turning the sharp turns of the growing steepness of the woods. I was shocked by his kindness, all I've been getting is crickets from him since day one of our so called friendship. We'd been driving for a while and still the trees were endless around us. My heart beat was growing faster and faster, scared of my fate. Where was he taking me? He wouldn't kill me right?

"You are panicking."

"What?!? No I'm fine." I snapped in the politest way possible his eyes continuing to flicker from me to the road, from blue to red. My head kept replaying all the crazy fictional movies I'd watched when I was younger. The make believe creatures on the screen scaring me sometimes, it couldn't be possible...

"I can hear your heart. It's going very fast." My eyes kept widening in confusion

"How do you know?"

"I- uh just do."

"Daniel- " I cut myself off as a house taller then my own by 5 times came into view. It's sleek modern design was beautiful in comparison to the large trees, and had large windows but tinted so I couldn't spot anyone in there, it was so mysterious. He parked looking dreadfully up to the door as if he knew a second later that the blonde girl that always sat silently with him at lunch named Anna in the cafeteria was storming down the steps incredibly fast I literally blinked once and she was  standing in front of the car her palms smacked down on the hood, her eyes full of anger. She mouthed something into the thin air of the woods but I couldn't hear the car blocking all sound but soon Daniel's voice picked up,

"She's in danger, she's no harm I promise." Anna shook her head, rolling her eyes quickly moving back in the house as he motioned for me to get out of the car. I could hardly breath, I was in total confusion. How could he hear her through the barrier?

"Please, this way." He said gesturing up to the door where Anna had just pounded back in

"Daniel I'm unwanted here." He shook his head grabbing my wrist and dragged me up the front steps into the large house. I stare up the 3 stories, the little sunroof beaming in and the house reaching upwards by stairs which were an oak wood and their was pot plants in each corner along with a stack of cds lining the wall.

"Daniel? Are you alone?" A voice echoed around the rooms, the hair on my arms standing up as he inches closer to me till are arms were touching. He intertwines are hands, the coldness of him causing a shiver to run up my spine. He pulls me up the stairs, my body began shaking as we entered a kitchen where a lady with brown hair in her 40's was behind the bench drinking a cup of red liquid, I gulped slowly hoping what I thought it was, wasn't what I thought.

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