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"No," Kaia shakes her head, as I expected. "I  don't want him to be with us on this."

"Kaia, you can't hide from childhood grudges forever," Niall rolls his eyes.

"Childhood grudges?" Kaia screeches. Here we go again. "They are not childhood grudges! He broke my--"

"Save it, Kaia," I run off. Kaia screams in anger before following me. Niall, Harry, Louis and Zayn look at each other, roll their eyes, and chase after us.

The address is 5647 Forks Drive, Aamon laughs, amused by Kaia's sudden outburst. Also, I'm hungry. Let's feed on some humans after this.

"Okay," I run along the road that reads Forks Drive, and I stop at the door that reads 5647 above it in bold brass letters. Kaia stays behind all of us, not wanting to make eye contact with her ex-lover.

I ring the doorbell, and an older woman, who I suspect to be Liam's mom, opens the door. "Hello, are you the mailman?"

"Uhh, no," I raise my eyebrows. "I'm looking for Liam Payne?"

I show her my pinky finger.

"Oh god," the woman rolls her eyes. "Did he rip someone's head off again? If so, I promise it was just a magic trick."

Oh god.

"Hi, Ms. Payne," Kaia mutters shyly behind me.

"Oh, Kaia! Hello," Ms. Payne smiles, showing off a set of straight white teeth. "What brings you guys here?"

"We're on a mission to save Hell," I'm surprised that Kaia can be so blunt.

The woman doesn't even blink. "Oh. I heard rumors about that, of course, but I didn't think one of the members of the group would be Liam!"

"Yeah, it's pretty important."

"Mom? Who's at the door?" I hear a male voice call, and Kaia squeaks as she goes to hide behind Niall, who looks surprised, but doesn't move.

"Hi, Liam," I look at him straight in the eyes.

"Who are you?" He asks us.

"I'm Louis Tomlinson, that's Niall Horan, that's Zayn Malik, that's Harry Styles, and that's Kaia Dyer," I point to every one of them as I speak.

Liam's head snaps up when I say Kaia's name. "Kaia?" He repeats.

Kaia steps out from behind Niall, her shoulders very tense. "Liam."

"Why are you here?" Liam crosses his arms.

"Well, I'm sure you heard about that group going around and trying to save Hell..." Zayn pipes up from behind me.

"What about it?" Liam asks Zayn, not tearing his eyes off Kaia.

"You're part of it," I roll my eyes.

"I am?" Liam scratches his ear.

"Yup," I grumble. "So c'mon, before the world ends."

"Okay," Liam says, unfazed. "Mom! I'm gonna go."

"Okay, don't die!" Liam's mother calls back.

Liam jumps down the stairs like a kid. "Alright, where are we going?"

"I mean, you were the last one we needed to get for this little team--" I gesture to all of us. "-- so, Niall, do you know what we do next?"


I'm hungry, Aamon whispers.

"What?" I say out loud.

I'm hungry, Aamon repeats.

A fierce snarl rips from my teeth, and leathery wings erupt from my back as I lose control of my body.

"Crap, his demon is hungry," Niall looks wildly at me.

"Damn it, that's gonna slow us down," Zayn complains.

I take off into the air, trying to sense if there are any nearby humans. I look around, seeing Kaia flying after me. Her eyes are a vivid red.

"Let's hunt," a voice that is not mine rumbles from my body.

Suddenly, the scent of human wafts through the air-- salty and sweet at the same time.

I dive down, causing all the people in the supermarket parking lot below to gasp in surprise. "Monsters!" A little kid screeches.

I jump on his dad, sucking all the blood out of his system before biting his ear off. "Sorry, kid," that unearthly voice growls.

I turn around to see a policeman running towards me, his gun aimed at my head. "Put your hands in the air!"

I put my hands in the air and cock my head to the side, before leaping on his gun and shooting it into the air. The startled policeman falls to the ground, leaving my teeth on his exposed neck. After I drain him of blood, I throw his lifeless body aside and look around for more people. Everyone is running away from me and Kaia, screaming in the process. I see Kaia leap towards a middle-aged woman, draining her of blood as the woman screeches in pain.

I look towards the supermarket, and the customers inside are trying to lock the glass door, fear very evident on their faces.

I grin, blood trickling out of my mouth, and then I sprint towards the glass door. My foot comes in contact with the glass, and it shatters, the customers inside scattering from the door.

I leap on an old woman, her cane falling to the floor as the impact of my foot on her neck knocks it out of her hand. I dig my teeth into her arm, a wobbly scream coming out of her mouth.

Kaia leaps onto a male teen, who was recording the event, and snaps his phone in half before feeding on him as well.

Louis, Aamon urgently whispers, as I start to gain more control of myself. I think I'm good now.

I shake my arms to regain feeling in them, and look over at Kaia, who's doing the same. I look down at my white shirt. "Ugh, I liked this shirt."

Not my fault you didn't take off your shirt, Aamon snickers casually.

"Oh, shut up," I say out loud.

Kaia jogs over to us. "I guess we have to go back now," she sighs.

"Yeah..." I agree as I fly into the air.

"So, that was fun," Kaia giggles as she does a cartwheel in midair.

I roll my eyes at her childishness. "Yup. So fun. Don't you just love murder?"

"Fun, fun murder," Kaia laughs, and I can't help but to let out a little chuckle myself.

I land back on the ground, the others impatiently waiting.

"Guys, go change before we go fight evil," Niall rolls his eyes.

"I don't wanna go back home, though," I groan while Kaia dashes away to her house.

"You don't have to," Liam steps up. "We're about the same size, and I have the same type of clothing as you. Follow me."

I roll my eyes at his hospitality as I follow him inside his house. "Where's your mom?" I ask him.

"Probably downstairs somewhere," Liam answers. "She adopted me."

"Oh," I raise my eyebrow as I follow him to his room.

Liam locks the door as soon as I step inside. "Wait."

"What?" I mutter as I turn back around to face him.

"I need to ask you something," he nervously shifts to the side.

"Ask away," I mock.

I was completely unprepared for the question he asked me.

"Do you like Kaia?"

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