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{ PAST }
Niall's P.O.V:
"But Niall! I'm scared." Ava whined as she cuddled into me. I glanced down at her admirably and smiled. She is truly perfect.

"It's okay beautiful, you know I've got you." I turned and gently pressed a kiss upon her forehead. Her sensitive skin eased under my touch.

The firework night was heaving. People scattered everywhere like little bugs to get as close to the front as they could get. Ava and I didn't bother because they were fireworks, and not only was Ava scared, but also because you would be able to see them wherever you're stood.

But I didn't care about the fireworks because today, was the day.

You see, I am a vampire. And before you ask, yes this is real. It's Not just me, but they're are many of us. Which also means that there is only one person I am destined to be with; my mate. I had found my soul mate in Ava. I knew she was the moment I layed eyes on her, I didn't tell her that of course, and I played it out like I accidentally bumped into her.

You know when it's them because not only are the butterflies extreme, so much more than you'd have with attraction or lust. Once you have met them, you will need them. It's the most beautiful thing.

Then time goes on, I explained to her where all the magic feelings came from and why I was like this. The fact that she's still human, makes our bond even stronger.

And so here we are today.

Today is the day where I am going to mate her. See being a vampire, we all have our own soul mates, but to actually bind us together and we become one, I must mark her. Not hurt her, but bite so that it leaves this mark, like a permanent hickey almost. To other humans, it will just appear as though she has got a small designed tattoo with my Initials in it, however to other vampires it will show them what they need to know.

With the mark, comes consummation. I guess you would say it's like marriage for vampires. When you first find your mate, it will physically hurt when you're apart. Trust me, it hurts bad. Therefore marking allows the pain to dramatically decrease and only hurts when the other is in trouble or are being disloyal.

But getting back to the point, today was the day is wish to ask Ava if she would allow me to mark her. Gives me butterflies thinking about it, I never even imagined I'd find her and especially getting someone so perfect. I am a lucky man.

My arms remained curved around her waist as I stool behind her, with my head resting on her shoulder. My head turned my head towards her neck and began to leave a trail of soft kisses down her neck.

"What are you thinking about?" Ava giggled. Her soft lips curved upwards and her crystal orbs sparkled. I smiled back at her.

"Oh nothing, don't worry about it."

"Niall don't say that-"

"Shhh the fireworks are starting!"

She rolled her eyes at me and turned to face them. My head returned back to its original position by resting on her shoulder; I could feel her anxiety from the fireworks flare off of her.

"It's okay Ava, I got you." She tired to smile but I could see the doubt in her eyes. "I love you to the sun." She smiled at the sound of our little saying.

Her long brown hair dazzled under the shining lights of fireworks. I picked up a small section of it and twisted the silk between my fingers. Truly beautiful.

"I know what will make you feel better." I grinned at her, then nuzzling my nose against her, and staring into those gorgeous eyes.

I swear I can never get enough.

"I'll be right back," I whispered as I let go of her waist. She turned and pouted.

"Please stay Niall, please." She pleaded.

I shook my head and smirked, "I promise you'll be okay, the other boys will watch you! I'll just gonna go get something special for you."

I smiled at myself as I walked away. I can't believe this day had finally come, and she was going to become mine once and for all.

But only, that's not what happened. Because life never happens to plan and it never follows the plan you want it too.

As I left, a firework short cutted. It flew speeding straight into the air, but didn't explode. My breath hitched and my heart stopped. Screeches of adults and children filled my ears as the colours raced towards them.

The firework came back down and landed on Ava.

And then It exploded.

Ava's P.O.V:

"Morning sunshine" my dad laughed as she pulled the curtains; the bright light poured quickly through the room and onto my face. It burned my eyes and so my hands turned into fists and rubbed them. My dad just laughed.

"How are you feeling this morning? How does another walk after lunch sound to you?"

I didn't really feel like a walk right now but I know I must to get better. Maybe a small one couldn't hurt.

"I mean you don't have too, but you're getting so much better lately and I can't wait for you to be amazing again."

I guess he was right, My injury cause so much pain to me and my family that maybe my body was finally allowing me to get better.

I don't really remember the night you know. I don't remember anything before it either. Sometimes I get blurs but I can never recognise the anyone or what was happening. My dad often tries to help my remember parts of my life and the night of the accident but he won't tell me everything. He says I'm better off not knowing, although he's my dad so I take his word for it.

But no matter what he says, I remember some things. No matter how much she tells me I must of dreamt it, I know it was real, I don't know how but I just know.

The night of the accident, I remember a boy. My dad always tells me that I must of dreamt it but it feels so real. Not that I can remember a name, nor even a face, although I try so hard too. Out of all of that, I can remember the feeling. How he must of made me feel and how he affected me like he connected to my soul. I can imagine it being so beautiful. I can remember on what I think was a date, with this boy, watching fireworks. I often try to imagine him because it feels like he still watches me, or wants me and even coming to get me. But the accident has probably just driven me crazy. I remember something about being scared. I remember being left on my own. And although I can't remember many much about my past at all, I remember the words, "I love you to the sun."

Okay so I've been putting off publishing this chapter for so so so long because I really wasn't sure if anyone would like it, or if I was 100% sure the chapter was ready. But I'm happy with it now and hope you like it too!!!

Please please let me know, comment now and tell me what you think!!

Also if you're not from my instagram, make sure to check it out (😉😉) for my past imagines on there, sneaks peaks of this book and my current posts🤗. My user name is also @niallimagines_x3 on insta too :)).

If you're still reading, so much love and see you soon!!!💗

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 28, 2018 ⏰

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