Chapter 1: Second Life

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Hey guys!! This would be my first time making a thug story so bear with me. the incorrect grammar is on purpose so don't worry about it. Enjoy...


I was on the corner of Jefferson and Blake doing the only thing I could to make money. You probably guessed it but it's drugs. I'm on and off about it so it's not like a full time job, it's just something to help me to get by. It wasn't a life anyone would want but after everything that happened to me before this kinda brought me to it. I'm not going to tell you what happened because it's not important. Anyways back to what was important.

I was sitting there in my black hoodie and tru's waiting for my main buyer to arrive until I saw this black Benz with highly tented windows. " What type of fucked up shit is this? " I asked. I was surprised that the man in the car heard me with how thick those windows were.

" It's called a car that's for important business, sir ". The car with all the extra shit in it is about a good 90,000 bucks. He had to have some serious cash stashed.

The man walked up to me, took off his shades and held out his hand." I'm recruiter James Burrow and your Jamal Thomas right? ". The fuck was he? The only thing I know is that he knew to much for someone I just met. " Why do you know my government and who do you work for? " He laughed but I didn't see shit was funny. " I work for a program who recruits teens who has a bad background and try to give them a new and better life. The program is called Second Life, the name should be self explanatory. I would like to tell you more so please get in the car." He opened the car door and did a hand gesture to signal me to go.

" How would I know that your not what you say you are. " People like him are known for impersonations and then taking your ass to jail or keeping you ass their sex slave. " If I were the cops why would I know your full name if you have no jail record? "He raised his eyebrow. He had a point but what about my buyer he could be here in any minute. I couldn't figure out if I should stay or trust this man. Just because I was curious I jumped in the car.

He started driving down Jefferson and explaining the program fully. Pretty much they somehow get records like, video footage, back ground info and records of the child's family. That shit creeped me out but the man said it was only because they needed to know how to approach the kids. That was a good excuse but whatever I ain't complaining cuz no I can do something with my life for once. I tried to but no one wanted to fuck with no black kid.

" So your like some life changing program or pretty much an orphanage, right? " I said

" No we're a program that allows teenagers to do better with there life. There's a difference. " he chuckled and shook his head

He seem okay, I guess, but that's my first impression of him. We pulled up in front of this big apartment complex that seemed luxurious and that made me feel out of place. This shit expensive as fuck to! I rubbed my hands together in delight but of course it was short lived.

" Sir we have trackers on all items here so if you try to steal anything we'll find it ", He said sternly and went on again, " This will be where your living at. We bought this building so that you and your fellow members can associate in peace and bond with one another. now going onto the tour.... " I started spacing him out because he was talking to much.

We were on the elevator trying to make our way to the top floor because that's where my room was when we stopped on the 5th floor and this sexy ass man walked in. He looked presentable but he still made sure he looked like a thug. He came in and smiled, I smiled back and the man introduced himself.

" Sup, I'm Lewis. ", he said in a deep voice and held out his hand offering mines. i shook his and smiled.

" I'm Jamal. ", I said back. He was so fine, but I just met him so I need to back off some. I took a deep breathe and exhaled.

" Mr. Johnson, do you want me to show him around? ", Lewis said.

It took me now just to figure out this man name? Like I thought it was proper to introduce yourself before anything. The man just picked me of the damn street like bitches searching for a man.

" Sure go ahead, but I need to show him where he's staying first. Alright? ", Lewis nodded his head and the elevator was silent until we got to the last stop. We got off and walked down a hallway to a room in the corner end.Lewis checked into his apartment which was pretty much next door. What a coincidence.

Mr. Johnson was showing me everything of the apartment, bathroom, bedroom, kitchen, etc. Everything was on point and ain't fufu which I'm happy about cause I need brand shit.

Later after the explanations Mr.Johnson left and I was free to my own. I decided to get a bath ready and put some hot water in the kettle to make some coffee because I haven't tasted anything that's been decent in months. I turn on the stove to Hi and walked in the bathroom to relax in the hot water. I sighed in relief until I heard some foot steps. I look back to see Lewis standing in the door way.

He might be fine but he could announce himself especially since I don't roll with him like that yet.

" You almost done? ", He asked.

" No, I just got in like a few minutes ago. ", I said back, going back to relaxing in the bath.

" Come on man. I'm supposed to give you the GRAND tour and your taking a bath. Get up bro. " , He walked over and got a towel and handed it to me.

I looked at the towel and back at him, " Can I take my bath first? Like do you not realize this is the main thing I've been wanting to do for the past 8 years? ", I went under the water so I won't have to hear what he was saying, but he grabbed my arm and pulled me out the tub. " Nigga the fuck you doing? I smacked his hand away and pushed him. He grabbed me by my elbow and pushed me towards the wall. His full body was leaning on me and his breathing was in short pants.

" Look man calm down. I'll buy you dinner if you'll just go on the tour and everything can be over with ", He said it slowly like he wanted to be in control but knew he wasn't. He had a one up since he's more built but I have fighting experience. I kicked him in the nuts and while he was cringing grabbed him by the neck and pushed him on the wall while choking him. He was struggling to remove my hand from his throat.

I smiled, pressed my full naked body on him and whispered, " Sure , sounds fun. ".


Alright! The end of chapter 1. It was very easy but time consuming to make this chapter but I did for you guys. Tell me what you think of the story and or character's. Also don't forget to vote and comment ^0^

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