La noche

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-Quick, leave that device for a holy time and take this

Yes, yes ... I  seem to do nothing but skulk around and at least I have to do something productive, ¡the night is young! But, I do not want to argue with mom and her menopause so,without asking me-at least not in front of her-I took the basket and walked to the basement  

The truth, while asleep, I could always hear strange crunches, but "they were just raccoons" was what caused that little fear to disappear. I went down the stairs cautiously until I saw the wooden door, a small breath was what was missing before opening


It caused me a feeling of vulnerability, I did not like it. I quickly searched for the switch and turned on the light

I think I'm calmer  

-What holor ...- I complained by covering my nose with one of my free hands and walking more freely inside

I wanted to finish this, not only because it's not Disneyland here, but because of the dirt, the mess and the noises that come from behind  

One after another, and another and another. The soap and clothes were already doing their job, just 15 more minutes  

-Great, now is the part where I turn around and you're behind me, right? -I suppose turning and observing the whole place-I imagined it ... nothing

But another noise alarmed me a little, just a detergent on the floor and ... ¡what the fuck!,Right in front of me was an animal, ¡that's not a raccoon!

Fear flooded me but I just looked at him, I looked closer as that thing was out there, licking, as if it were hurt. He had too much hair and was even bigger than a Gran Danés. I did not know what was happening. in my head, but I had never seen anything like that ... I went a little closer  

His eyes were a bright yellow, like a sunset

.-Wow ...- I was static when he looked at me

 It was a griffin, a mythological creature ... and it was wrong. When I was little I heard a lot of them and yes, they are amazing. I had a cut on his right wing, unconsciously I looked towards the window that was a few meters away and was open , that means that if he could get in, he could leave. That's why I can help you. I looked in all directions until I found some bandages.

I took them and now I was a few inches away from the creature and although I let out some grunts, I finally succeeded

The creature got up and without previous abyss left me there while I analyzed everything, went out the window and I watched as it flew away not without something before it came off her and floated to my hands  

-A pen -I said with a smile

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