Part 2

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I was angered, scared, and confused. Everything was happening so fast. My mother passed away and that very day my step father decides in order to keep the estate he would need to sell me. He didn't even give my mother a proper burial. I stood in front of the men feeling exposed. And when I was bought, a knot formed in my throat. I wasn't ready for a life of misery, I wasn't ready to leave my home, I wasn't ready to leave my mom. I didn't even have time to pack my belongings. No photos, no clothes, not even a chance to say goodbye. I was now a slave, never to be free and always belonging to another.
I was shook from my thoughts when the carriage came to a halt. Loki put an illusion over my clothes to make me look more presentable. "You are to remain quiet and go along with whatever I say" Loki told me in a stern voice. I got the feeling he was nervous. We stepped out the carage and made it half way through the courtyard when we were stopped by none other then the Queen herself. I immediately bowed my head in respect. "Hello mother" Loki said "Loki how very nice it is to see you've made a friend." Frigga said looking at me. " and a very beautiful one at that."

"She is no friend mother, "she is my new assistant." Loki said rather annoyed. "I had no idea you were even looking for an assistant." Frigga said "I didn't want to bother you with such trivial matters. Plus you would've insisted on hand picking one for me and I felt this was something I had to do on my own." Loki said smoothly. "I've very proud of your initiative Loki. Hopefully your father will see this as a sign of improvement." Said the Queen "I do however need help with living arrangements for the girl, it's one of the tedious things that slipped my mind" Loki responded "Of course dear, I will make sure she have a room made by the end of the day" Frigga said. And with that she gave me a kind smile and left. Loki walked me quickly to his chambers giving me no time to see my surroundings. It was if he was trying to hide me. When we got to a set of double gold doors he looked around as to make sure there was no one watching and ushered me in. His room was enormous and 3x the size of my old cottage. His bed alone was the size of my room. To the left of his bedroom was a archway leading to his workshop. This is were he led me to, before I could really take in the room. The workshop was a simple room with many books and lots of bottles I did not recognize.
" Are you hungry?" Loki asked. I barley recognized his voice. It was tender and concerned. Quickly after he said " you're going to need your strength and I can't have you dying on the job. It would be really inconvenient." He said with more hostility in his tone. Truly I was starving and had only water and a few bites of bread in the duration of three days. " I could go for a small snack" I said indifferently. Turning my body away from him. "Very well. I'll have a servant come with some food" Loki said sounding board. As soon as he left a wave of relief flooded over me. I sat at one of the stools and thought about what was to happen next. I had heard awful stories of Loki. He was the eldest price and he was very dark. Stories of him trying to murder Thor and killing for fun. The thought send a chill down my spine.
Loki came in with a tray of food I had never seen before. It smelled delicious. It took all my strength not to devour it in front of him. I tried to use what little manners I had but I could tell by the look on Loki's face that I was not hiding my hunger very well. " would you like me to fetch more?" He asked. To proud to say yes I just shook my head no and set the tray aside. " As my assistant I will require certain things of you" he said as he straightened his back and spoke more formally. Oh no, I didn't like where this was going. I most certainly will not sleep with a murder. " I will need you to keep the workshop clean and tidy at all times. I have several things I need you too organize and once I trust you, I will send you to town for supplies. Are we understood?" He said. I let out a breath I didn't know I was holding. That I could do. If it meant a roof over my head and food to eat. Just then a knock came from his door. One of the servants entered and said " Queen Frigga your highness" and as soon as the words left his lips she walking into the workshop. " Loki...... and I'm sorry dear I didn't get your name?"
"Alvilda, your majesty" I said and attempted a curtsy. Frigga just chuckled and said " no need with the formalities sweetheart. I just came to tell you that your room is ready if you'd like me to show you" She said. My room! I have my own room! I wonder what's it like, I knew it would be beautiful just like the rest of the palace.
What do you think!? I hope y'all like it. My names Ernie, I'm 17 and soon to be graduating 💪 I've always enjoyed reading stories on here since I was 11 and now I feel it's time to try one on my own

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