Moving day pt.1

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Kians pov
I woke up to the most beautiful girl like ever she was sleeping like a princess gosh i was just admiring her beauty until
T: (opens one eye) i see you staring at me
K: You weren't sleeping where you
T: nope
K: so you remember
T: when you kissed my forehead, Yeah
K: well then (kisses her forehead again)
T: well we beter get up you're helping me moving in
K: am i?
T: now you are (kisses his cheek) it's cute how you blush
K: well thank you it only works with beautiful woman
T: so you've never blushed before (Smiles softly)
K: no now get up gotta get ready
T: right, could i boworrow you're hoodie
K: sure 3 drawyer (smirks)
T: those are you're underwears, oh i see what you did there gonna use that one
K: what on who
T: awh you looked scared
next pov
Jake: Tessa (hugs her)
K: back off
J: boyfriend?
T: yes (sighs) (Kian blushes)
K: so boyfriend
T: just play along, hey Erika (rolls her eyes) AALISAAAA
A: Babyyyy i missed you now where finally gonna be roomiees
T: I know (Kian coughs) right Alissa this is Kian Kian this is Alissa
Both: nice to meet you
A: so wanna get luch later
K: She's busy
A: well then another time (winks at Tessa) See ya
T: what was that for were not dating
K: yet
T: oh, shut up
K: Tessels you're missing a box
T: (shit) Oh umm can you bring me there to pick it up
K: where is it Tessa
T: at Logan's Place
K: w - w - what

Flashbacks comingg!

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