Ch. 1

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Twirling my thumb and kicking Dad's skateboard was always a good sign that I was thinking. I was annoyed. Angry even. I was sick of the fact that everything was changing. I hate change. Change is what happens to me when the world is reminding me that I don't matter that life sucks and I'm never going to be happy.

I looked up at the TV showing some odd childrens' cartoon, I had this feeling of nostalgia. Although I didn't remember ever seeing the cartoon before then. It seemed so familiar. I glared across the room. There was barely anyone there. The only people seen were two kids at an arcade and an old man poking a burger. The old man looked at me. I didn't know why, but everyone in this dump of a town always seemed mad, or upset in some way. I needed to talk to someone though. The worst part about moving to a new place was that I knew no one. If I even tried to talk to my mom she would just say the same thing she's said every time I talk to her.

"These things take time. Sweety, I know this is new and weird for you. But you'll learn to love it here." I hated it. I hated everything about the foggy dull, miserable little island. There was barely any connection to any sort of cell service. I thought I would never speak to any of my friends again. What would we talk about anyway? They all still have each other. I would just get jealous that they got to chat while I'm stuck in Ireland. Although it's warmer here than in Canada, I miss everyone. So even if I could chat online with them, they're all asleep when I'm awake. I stopped sliding my foot on the board. It's just not fair. My mom says it's for a fresh start but this is just dumb.

"Hey." I looked over at this guy. His face was blank, like he was forced to speak to me.

"Hi...?" I stared blankly at him. What did he want? I'd never even seen this guy.

"I saw you skating earlier." I could tell he was lying. I didn't know how to ride. I was my Dad's. He offered to teach me one time. I declined his offer though. I didn't feel like it. I just like having it with me. "You're pretty terrible." Then he walked away. I kept my eyes on him. What kind of jerk says that? I wasn't in a good mood already so this just made me want to punch this guy. What was his deal? He headed out the door of The Lounge. I saw him walk over to a kind looking, smiling lady. He said something to her and she frowned. They walked off together. I finished my shake sense there was only a bit left and followed them. I wanted to confront that guy.

They walked on a skinny path by the beach. The girl was skipping and humming a little toon, while the boy was just walking, slowly getting further behind the girl. Every so often she would stop in place; and once she saw the boy next to her, she would continue skipping. I thought maybe they were neighbors, or cousins. The girl had blonde hair, and bright clothes; a pink shirt and a matching skirt, knee high cat socks and light grey shoes. The boy however was wearing something that seemed like the exact opposite if her. He had black hair, he wore a dark red and black plaid shirt, and some blue jeans. He also had black sneakers that seemed worn out. I followed them all the way to a house which I was guessing was one of theirs. It was actually really beautiful. On one side of the house was a small hill, covered in huge cherry trees. On the other was the crashing shores of the beach.

"James will you and your sister please clean your rooms? They are terrible. Also, pack up the cookies. We'll be heading out soon." Now I knew the boy's name. James.

"Okie dokie, Mama." the girl jumped over one of the steps on to the porch and almost tripped. She was making the face you make when you want people to think you meant to do that.

"Thank you Amy. James?" And the girl's name was Amy. They were siblings? This was a shock to me. How could two polar opposites possibly be related by blood?

"Okay we're coming!" Amy turned around to get the door for James. And that's when she saw me. She stared, shocked. Her brother turned sort of slowly, he looked annoyed. James went inside and Amy followed. That's when I realized what I had just done was crazy. It was just some dumb comment. I didn't have to listen to him, but I did. And I followed them home. The worst part was, I didn't know where I was. I was mindlessly following two strangers to their house.

"What did I do? Where am I?" I whispered to myself. Well, I thought I did.

"You're house should be right over the hill." I looked up to their house again. The girl was standing on a balcony above the front door.

"I-I'm sorry. For following you. You're brother just..."

"Oh it's fine. I know what my brother said. He's mean sometimes. He didn't really mean it."

"Okay. I am sorry though."

"Just don't let it happen again." She smiled. I looked over at the hill and started to walk over to it.

"Thank you."

"Wait." I stopped. What was it? I really just wanted to leave and never see these people again. I had embarrassed myself enough.


"What's your name? I'm curious. I'm Amy." She seemed to laugh a little as she was talking.

"Oh, um okay. My name is-"

"Amy get inside! We're leaving soon. Wrap up the cookie already."

She looked behind her. This was my chance. I know I shouldn't have, but I ran. I didn't want her to know my name. I just wanted to never speak to them or anyone again.

"Okay just a second!" By the time she looked back, I had already gotten halfway up the hill and was hidden behind one of the beautiful cherry trees. Out of sight. Once I heard the front door squeak closed, I began to run again. I got to the top of the hill and decided to take a break. It was more like a smaller mountain than a hill. There weren't anymore trees. It was as if they had all disappeared, even though they were just right behind me. I did see my house, but I also saw so much more. There was the ocean, still crashing into the shore, and it was amazing. I saw the clouds. As gloomy as it may have been that day, for the first time in forever, I felt this rush of happiness. There was a drop off the side of the hill, almost like a cliff but smaller. At the bottom was the town, a few people walking around. Busy. So busy, but almost as beautiful as the ocean next to them. I didn't think it would be so pretty at the top. It reminded me of Dad.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 04, 2018 ⏰

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