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Hi everyone, and welcome to my subliminal diary! Where I will be marking my progress, sharing my goals, expressing my feelings, showing results, and more~

You can call me sawako, and I'm 13 years old. My birthday is on 040712 which is 3 months of now, and I hope to achieve all, or at least the majority of my goals by then. I also hope to achieve many of my goals by my 8th grade graduation ^^ I am asian ethnicity. 

I've known subliminals since maybe 2017 but I never used them well, I battled with myself about what my goals should be, but now I'm fulfilled with what I want and now I can use subliminals diligently~~ 

I have a subliminal account on instagram but I feel like there people are more judgemental and a bit problematic, so I wanted to make myself a little digital online diary, which is comfy, cozy, warm, and full of love! I don't expect many people to view and read this journey, and I also may not really want to ^^;;; 

If you don't know what subliminals are, I'm not someone who can explain it for you, so please ask someone else and click out of my story and account.

well then, shall we begin? follow me on my journey to my ideal life~

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