If Only He Knew

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Stormy Night

    Thunder growled violently in the midnight sky, making Ryan whimper in fear. Why did Ryan whimper you might be asking? Ryan has a phobia called Astraphobia. Astraphobia here means to be afraid of thunder & lightening.
    Ryan tried to think of a distraction, then he remembered earbuds exist. He sat up in his bed wiping away the tears from his eyes. Looking to his side, he saw his iPhone earbuds sitting next to his iPhone on the bedside table.
    Once Ryan grabbed the earbuds & iPhone he plugged them in but quickly hid under his blanket when another thunder sound boomed.
    He turned on a random song & turned up the volume all the way up. Ryan slightly smiled happily not being able to hear the thunder.
    Everyone who has Astraphobia knows there are ways to distract themselves. Ryan had a distraction once long ago. Although, now that his distraction isn't here he's struggled to find a permanent distraction.
    Obviously, Ryan could just ask a friend for their advice but there was a slight problem. No one knows about this embarrassing fear of his. He's always been so embarrassed about his silly fear, it made him feel weak. He is weak.
    Ryan smiled at the song that was playing. The song's named 'Where's my Charger'. Ryan didn't know whether it was an actual song or not, but he still loved the 25 second song.
    Everything's going smooth so far. He could no longer hear the booms of thunder & he felt at peace now.
    That was all until a particular song came on. Ryan recognized it just by the first Christmas jingle.
    "Sickly Sweet Holidays..." Ryans voice cracked as tears threatened to spill out of his eyes.
    Sickly Sweet Holidays is his favorite song & it's also a song that his best friend, & high school crush, wrote. Dallon Weekes wrote & sang this song. Dallon used to sing this song to Ryan every time there was a storm...
    That was before... Before Dallon was murdered...


1 year ago

    Ryan woke up to a dozen calls from Brendon, Dallon's boyfriend. He hated Brendon because Brendon basically got everything he fucking desired & took Dallon- the greatest human- for granted. Sadly, every time Ryan tried to tell Dallon, Dallon would say Ryan was being ridiculous.
    Ryan called him back & almost immediately Brendon answered. "What's up Brendon? Did you & Dallon break up for like the 15th time?" He said annoyed.
    "No... Dallon's been murdered." Brendon then ended the call, leaving Ryan in silence.
    Ryan started to ball his eyes out uncontrollably. Dallon's dead. The only person Ryan loves is dead. Who would do this?
    He stayed in bed that whole day. They found who did it but the person won't admit where Dallon's body is. They found out that Dallon was murdered by an anonymous text. Everything was unbelievable.
    Ryan just lost the most important person in his life...


All I Want

    Luckily that night was the only stormy one of the week. Ryan as extremely grateful for that.

    Ryan never really had much friends. It was always just him & Dallon. Not anymore obviously, so now Ryan was alone basically all the time. He didn't complain though. He enjoyed the silence.
    If you couldn't tell, Ryan doesn't actually enjoy the silence. He despised it, actually. Every time Ryan was alone is mind immediately started to think of Dallon. He would imagine Dallons corpse. It wasnt a pleasant sight, at all.
    Ryan shook his head trying to get rid of the thoughts. It wasn't working, he needs a distraction. Grabbing his phone, he realized he had gotten a text.

If you could see him one more time, would you be able to die a happy man?

((I really recommend to play the song 'All I Want' by Kodaline during this part))

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