Chapter 3 - Elsa

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The bright sunlight, shined through the opening of the barn, waking me up. I opened my eyes, yawned and stretched as I set up. I couldn't say that I slept well this night, but I at least slept a little bit.

Slowly I got up, feeling slightly calmer than before I fell asleep. But I was still stuck in this strange place. I hoped that that thing was thawed again and those men got out safely. They probably must have been in shock when they woke up, but as far as I could see, they were still alive. That was the most important thing to me right now.

I slowly stood up and stretched again. Now it was finally light again and maybe I could find Anna now. If Anna was in this town, I was almost sure it wouldn't take too long to find her.

"Do you really think Regina could be in here?"

I gasped and quickly hid behind a block of hay. I didn't know who Regina was, but they weren't going to find her here. Hopefully, they weren't going to find me either.

"We could at least have a look," A man answered the woman. "Right now she could be anywhere and she isn't answering any of your calls."

"I don't think this would be a good hiding place, dad," the woman who asked the first question answered. "There isn't much to hide here unless she wants to keep hiding behind a block of hay. Let's just try to find her somewhere else. I'm not going to stop trying to reach her."

I heard footsteps and I sighed relieved. I was glad that woman was smart enough to notice that there wasn't any place to hide here. Little did she know there actually was someone hiding.

I walked to the door and carefully looked left and right before being sure that the coast was clear. Good. Whoever those people were, they were gone and didn't even notice me.

I walked out of the barn and went in the direction where all the people were living. Maybe it wasn't safe to be out in the open, but I just needed to find Anna. If I could find her I was safe. And they were too...

As I walked through the town, I soon regretted doing it. Everything was strange last night, but now everything was even stranger. Those mechanic vehicles now all moved around with people in them.

There were a couple of huge things that were also used as vehicles. They were even taller then me and they looked like they could squash you if you were standing too close. They made an awful lot of noise as the moved and I saw people throwing things into the back of them. To me, it all looked like trash, but since they collected it, it must have been something valuable.

Not only were there those kinds of things, but there was something else that caught my attention too. People were using an object with two wheels and put together with a lot of metal tubes as transportation too. They had a strange looking place to sit on them and had two handles that they used to move forward with their legs. In front of the seating, there were two metal tubes that were used to stir with.

Now that I walked through the town in broad daylight, people started to notice me. As they walked by, a lot of them kept looking over their shoulder at me. But no one walked over to me. They just kept staring at me until they were out of sight.

This made me feel even more nervous and afraid then it would if they did ask me questions. Once again, I felt the cold air around me and slowly looked over my shoulder. There was a trail of ice right behind me and it continued as I walked on.

"Don't do this now, Elsa" I thought as I felt it getting worse again.

I slowly walked on. It was no use to go back to the barn now. If people wanted to find me, they could just follow the trail of ice. Since it was clear to everyone that I was here, I might as well just keep looking for Anna.

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