Untitled Part 11

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Heeeeey My Dear Readers  

Dedicated to  

Sorry I didn't post but I will tell you guys what has been happening since something exciting happened. Soo le go 

THING ONE-Tokyo ghoul came out and I legit could not stop crying the day before it came out I legit was watching facts and concurrency theories about it (Hinameeeeeeeee~) Yes so I died. Also I have to ficking wait like FUCING SIX DAYS FOR THE NEXT TOKYO GHOUL EPISODE TO COME OUT TO THAT PISSES ME OFFFFFFFF *breaths in and out aggressively* *calms the fuck down*

THING TWO- I started watching SAILER MOON (LOL help me) It is a good anime but LONG like really long like toooo many seasons and episode but I can go through with it. 

THING THREE-JAE from day six is going to be added to Bias List 

                             Jinyoung from GOT 7 (sorry GAY 7)  

                             T.O.P from Big Bang 

                            Minhyuk from monsta x 

                           Yeah their is more to go.....

Thing Four: School started and I hate myself because again I am supposed to wake up at five and work out. 

Thing Five: I hate homework/No more Birthday parties so far/I want to go to my cousins house and not die and rot in my room on my bed 

Guys my life is boring hope yours if exciting *ahem ahem Chy don't forget the autographs ahem ahem if you are reading this*


Stay gucci  

Have a nice life thank you.....BYYYYYYYYEEEEEE

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