Chapter 2-Paranormal-Power Problems

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Chapter 2-Paranormal-Power Problems

Kerri's POV

"Leave me the fuck alone," I growled as I ran along the railroad tracks trying to catch up with the train. The dead man with long hippie-hair and ginormous, tan-colored pants gave me a disappointed look and then stopped following me.

I finally caught up to an empty train car and jumped, pulling myself up. It took more effort to get into a moving train then I remembered. I haven't done that in a very long time. I didn't need to. I haven't run away in a while.

I crawled into a corner where I could still see the outside, but was half shrouded in darkness. I drifted off to sleep after a couple of minutes of watching tree after tree after tree go by. Ohio really is the worst state ever. It's the same landscape and it goes on forever and ever and ever and ever.

I don't know how long I was asleep for but by the time I woke up it was pitch black. When I fell asleep it was just the start of dusk.

"Please help me find my child," a woman's voice sobbed. You've got to be kidding me. I do not need this right now. Actually, I don't need this ever.

"Listen, lady. You're dead and I'm pretty sure your kid is too, considering you're wearing something from the seventeen-hundreds," I flat out told the woman who was scooting closer to me. I swear, if she passes through me, I'm going to flip. I hate that feeling. Your entire body turns freezing cold and it's not pleasant at all.

"Please. My child's lost. I need to find him."

"Leave me alone, damnit! You're dead! Just cross over already for goodness sakes. I'm sure your kid has," I told her without speaking out loud.

I need to figure out what to do sence I ran away from my foster family and the city I've lived in for about 6 years; the edge of Lisbon, Ohio. I don't want to help some dead lady, I don't know how to find some dead kid she most likely won't find among the living. Paranormal-power problems....

I came up to the name of my "power" when I was 14 and loved alliteration. That's when I started seeing ghosts and being able to communicate with them. I remember the first time-

"Puh-puh-leh-lease," the dead lady, Junie, cried even harder as the train slowed down. Thank You, Lord!

"Fine, I'll be right back," I lied to Junie as I sat on the edge, pushing myself off when the train was slow enough. Sense it was pitch black out, naturally I fell on my face. I felt a sharp pain above my eyebrow. "Damn it..." I mumbled. I got up and started running cautiously to the lights I saw up ahead. I swear, if I'm still in Ohio...

I usually help the spirits in need unless I'm emotionally wrecked, too lazy, or flat out don't want to. Right now I'm irritated, pissed, and I'm about to have a break down. That falls under the category as emotionally wrecked, so I obviously didn't help her.

I saw lights ahead and started working my way to them. They turned out to be from a small town. I wiped off the sticky sweat on my forehead as I took in the circle-shape design of the town. The outside layer of the circle were houses ranging from small one-story's to big two-stories. The next layer was a bunch of shops. In the very middle of the town was a big, beautiful, intricate-designed church. I immediately fell in love with it and the town. The only lights came from the church. The doors were open with people walking around inside.

I slowly walked through the town and then to the church and up the steps. When I walked through the doors every head turned in my direction. My bad-assness sorta just melted away from me and I gave them a shy smile. I wiped the sweat that was still gathering on my forehead. It's not even that hot, geezez.

"Sit down, honey," a woman around the age of 50 ushered me to a bench. Her brown hair was shoulder length and swayed as she walked. She questioned me full of concern, "What happened?" I wasn't able to answer because she yelled, "Tyler!" almost immediately. "What'd you go?" She knelt before me and raised her hand and I involuntary flinched. She gave me a questioning look before lightly touching the spot above my eyebrow. When she pulled back there was blood on her finger.

I looked at my hand; blood stains. "So that wasn't sweat," I mumbled under my breath. "I, um, tripped. Sorry for the blood on your finger..."

"It's fine, honey! We'll get you cleaned up. Marcy, go find Tyler," she told a girl who looked around the age of 13 with her brown hair braided, laying on her left shoulder. She weaved her way around the crowd of people that had gathered around me. "My names Brandi Portman, call me Brandi. Welcome to Mindel, Pennyslyvania."

"Thanks," I smiled. "My name's Kerri." There's just something about Brandi that makes me like her. She seems like a nice, caring, sweet woman. Can you get all that from not even two minutes of talking to someone?


"Geez Mom, calm the fuuulipe down..." A very good looking, shaggy brown haired boy said, who I'm guessing is Tyler.

Brandi gave him "the look" but I could tell it amused her by the way she shook her head in a laughing manner. "Nice save, Tyler. I need you to take Kerri here and clean her up. Make her feel welcomed, please."

Tyler apparently just realized I was here because when he looked at me, his eyebrows went up in surprise. "I will definitely make her feel welcomed," he winked at me. I'm not quite sure who the words were directed towards.

"Oh, Lord, please help me with this child..." Brandi mumbled making me laugh.

Tyler held out his hand to help me up and lead me to...a closet? Tyler opened the door and flipped on the light switch illuminating the small space. He reached up to a top shelf making his shirt go up, showing his taught stomach. Me likey.

Does sluttyness go with the whole bad-ass thing? If it does, then it shouldn't because that is something I can proudly say I'm not. Why would you want to do that in the first place? Huge risk of STD's there. I've made out with quite a few guys, but never have I let them touch my no-no rectangle. Great, now I have "Stop! Don't touch me there. This is my no-no square," stuck in my head.

"Here, let's get you cleaned up outside where everyone isn't crowding around the most exciting, sexiest thing to step foot in Mindel," Tyler smirked at me. "Well, besides me." Oh, cocky now, is he? "But I think they get tired of me vandalizing the back of the stores of all the assholes who piss me off." Anyone else like a bad boy?

He lead me outside where we sat in the back of the church on stairs going up to a side entrance. "So tell me, birdie-"

I cut him off, "You've got to be kidding me. Birdie? Really? Aren't you support to be bad ass or something? I can come up with a nickname way better then that. That's just stupid."

"Is that a challenge?" Tyler said in a sexy voice, his face now inches from mine. "Because I can come up with some way better names...babe..." he breathed into my ear. If that "babe" was supposed to work, he'd have to try way harder.

"Tyler? Are you out here? Mom said you were helping-" the most sexiest guy I've ever seen interrupted whatever Tyler was trying to do.

Tyler pushed himself away from me and stood in front of the tall guy with brown spiked hair and the brightest blue eyes I've ever seen. "You always come at the wrong fucking time. God, why are you such a dumbfuck?"

I would have said something, except I could feel my breathing shallowing and the pace of my inhales and exhales increasing. I'm gonna have an asthma attack. I squeezed my eyes shut, willing it to go away. It wouldn't work. My squeaky-toy noise of my inhales drowned out the sounds of the two boys fighting. Please. Please make it go away, I pleaded to God.

The only times I ever have an asthma attack is when I'm going to be dealing with a demon.


Please let me know how you guys like this story? I want to thank @A500690m @TheCagedDove and @Deliz10 . I combined all the idea they have me to come up with the new title. What do you guys think of it? And the cover? Could you guys please pray for a friend of my family; he almost died a couple of weeks ago and they can't start surgery until his infection in his colon is gone. We'd all appreciate the prayers. Vote, comment, message me, follow, fan! God bless...

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 30, 2014 ⏰

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