Chapter 32

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Chapter Thirty-Two


Perfecta led me through the building in tight-lipped silence, taking long, quick strides that threatened to leave me behind, despite the fact that I was several inches taller than her. As we rode up an elevator and traveled down a wide corridor, I found myself memorizing our path. Why, I don't know. Somehow, at the time, it seemed vaguely important.

Finally, she stopped in front of an unmarked door and slid a card through a scanner beside it. Without a faint, familiar whir, it slid open. Perfecta stalked forward quickly, without waiting for me. I had to dive forward about ten feet in order to catch the door before it closed again. But the movement was surprisingly easy, and I managed to land on my feet.

The space was small, but every available section of wall had a computer monitor mounted on it. Perfecta sat down at the desk lining the far wall and motioned for me to take the chair beside hers. She then turned to the computer closest to her, one that was a little bigger than the others, and pressed a button on its side.

Immediately, all however-many-hundred monitors came to life. Each showed a different picture, of a hallway or a room, some empty and some milling with Superiors.

"This is the center for all the security cameras," Perfecta stated in a monotone.

"Oh," I replied. When she said nothing, I asked, "What are we doing here? Didn't you say you needed to talk to me?"

Perfecta sighed. "Yes, I do." She tilted her head and looked at me solemnly. "Tell me, Caleb. Do you remember me?"

I hesitated. Did I remember her? There was undoubtedly something familiar about her, but the more I fought for the memories, the farther they retreated.

"Yes," I said finally, frowning. " I know you, but I have no memories of you.

The Superior nodded as if she understood. "Well, Leary's formula isn't perfect," she muttered. "At least this way we have somewhat of a chance of retrieving your memories."

"What?" I began, but Perfecta held up a hand.

"Just watch this," she said, tapping at the screen in front of her. "It might bring things back to you."

I waited, and after a moment, a video began to play. The picture showed Miracle in her office, with her lounging on a chair with her feet propped on the desk. Her beauty left me speechless, even on camera. A knock echoed, and for a second I turned around, thinking it came from the door behind me. But the sound was projecting from the speakers built into the sides of the monitor.

"Come in," Miracle called, her face tilted up slightly, exposing a secretive smile on her lips. In the bottom left corner of the screen, I saw the top of the door being pushed open.

"Hey, Miracle," a familiar voice greeted. It was male, and I recognized it instantly as the Superior I had met only moments before.

"Hello, Champion." Miracle waved her fingers daintily.

"Please, sit," she said, and Champion did so, looking much too comfortable in the velveteen chair. "I wanted to talk to you about the newcomer."

"You said he's woken up?" Champion asked.

"Yes, just this morning. The alterations were successful. He is now a full Superior."

"That's great news." He smiled slightly.

"So now," Miracle continued, "I need you to keep him occupied. You know about his...anarchistic tendencies, of course. I wanted someone capable to make sure that he stays out of trouble." As she spoke those words, Miracle slid her fingers along the desk toward Champion. He watched her movement, his hands twitching slightly.

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