Chapter One

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After hearing those from mom , i wanted to have a child . But im keeping my virginity till i found the right one . Adopt a kid is the only choice i have . I want to surprise mom and dad that i know the responsibilities of being a mother . But how can i pick when i dont know whether they like if its a girl or a boy .

I decided to pick both . Im a mother of two kids . Its the least i could do cause my brother , Louis dont want to have a child , Yet with Eleanor Calder . But i need someone to keep my secret , so i decided to bring Fizzy along.

We walked going to the nearest orphanage near our house , " Angels Orphanage " is the name . Me and Fizzy went inside . The old lady told us to look around and pick a kid to adopt . When Fizzy found the twins , she called me to look at them . Identical twins , i preffer . Boy and a girl . They had blue eyes , a beautiful colored eyes that matches with mine .

The boy had curly hair and the girl hair is naturally wavy but the color of the hair is brownish with a hint of gold . The twins already played with Fizzy , and i giggled at the moment cause the little girl played Fizzy's hair . I left them for a while and went to the office .

" Hi , im taking the twins that my sister played with . " I told the old lady and looking at the twins , specially the little boy who looks like a lot like my brother . " What are their names? "

" The twins names? The girl is Skylar Gabriella Salvatore and the boy is Vanzer Gabrielle Salvatore . Six years old . " The old lady told me , they had beautiful names and so young to be here . " They are heresince two years old after their parents abused them . They hve scars and wounds on their back . Specially to Skylar , she had asthma . So.. , please becareful and take good care of them . "

" Im not onna hurt them , i swear . Im gonna be a good mother to them . " I told her , with reassuring smile . She only smiled and went to the twins . They are going to their rooms and get their things . They even changed their clothes . Both of them waved to the old lady .

Fizzy called Daisy if mom neither dad is home . Good thing they arent home yet . They went to the grocery . But one problem , the twins had few clothes . We need to go shopping! No time . We carried the twins but they are both laughing that we are running .

We arrived at our house and went straight to my room with the twins . We look at my room , its a bit messy when Skylar blurted out , " Clean Clean Clean . Room mess mess mess " She look at me , smiling . And i cant stand that seeing them smile causes me to smile . Even Fizzy .

Vanzer is sleepy and by the time , Fizzy went out . I locked the door as usual and look at my twins . Vanzer pulled my hand to be with them at my bed . " You our mom? " vanzer asked then yawned . His really sleepy and so does Skylar . I saw her yawn and i called her to join with us .

Skylar done a great job cleaning my mess . Im a bit embarrassed for what she've done . She hop on and lay down next to me , Vanzer was on the other side , hugging my hand . Skylar cuddle to me .

" You our mom? " Vanzer asked again and he fought his sleepy eyes . That made me giggle , he really looks like Louis .

" Yes , im your mom . You can call me mama or mommy or mom " I smiled , Vanzer lay down and slept . Aside from Vanzer who looks a lot like Louis , Skylar looks like between me and Fizzy . Skylar isnt sleepy , though .

" Mama " She kisses my cheek . " Why room mess mess mess? " She asked in a curios tone and her face is cute when she tries to make a curious face and ends up making funny faces .

" Mama gotta adopt you quick so grandma and grandpa wont see you.. " I answered to her cute questions . " Thats why i leave my room mess mess mess . " Whoa, im starting to talk like a baby .

" Who girl with us mama? "

" Its your Aunt Fizzy, my sister. One day, you'll meet everyone . " I kiss her forehead.

" Fiz? Im Sk.. Skylar Gabriella Salvator.. ? " She's looking at me that whats their family name .

" Tomlinson, baby girl . Skylar Gabriella Salvatore Tomlinson and Vanzer Gabrielle Salvatore Tomlinson. My very own twins. " I said . Skylarhad fallen asleep when i hummed the song from my brothers band, Little Things . I got up and cover them with a blanket and i went to the kitchen .

Daisy and Phoebe are watching tv and Fizzy is eating sandwich like she gotten used to when she's watching a tv. I grabbed some foods to eatfor my twins. Fizzy even helped me to carry the food to my room. The door is open so i can run to them if anything happens.

Fizzy saw them sleeping, she takea picture of them . But i told her not to shoe it to the world maybe Louis will be mad about me adopted twin kids . She agreed with me though . Both of us arranged the cereals , breads , and some juices or milk on my desk top near my laptop .

She wanted to stay a little bit more but i told her , maybe tomorrow . " Me and the twins will go shopping secretly and maybe you can help me about it . " She totally agreed with me because she loves the twins as much as i do . Sky and Vanz always wanted to meet and playwith one of my sisters or brother .

We all slept early for tomorrow's agenda . And i cant wait to buy them new clothes .


Authors Note..

Sorry for the very Late update :(

Gotten busy with the house chores and my nephew's son is using the iPad.

Hows the story so far?

Plss comment so i know the story sounds good or not.

Love Lots


Tiara Katherine ❤❤❤

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 04, 2014 ⏰

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