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The Marauders were a group of four boys, who most of the Hogwarts professors dreaded teaching. The children in this group were what you could call trouble makers. The four boys were James Potter, Peter Pettigrew, Remus Lupin and Sirius Black.

Peter was considerably quiet, but had no immediate problems. James, however, had a bit of an obsession with Lily Evans, although she wanted nothing to do with him. It was rather unfortunate for James really. However, the other members of their group had bigger problems. Sirius had to deal with being hated by his family and Remus had, some would say, the most dangerous problem: he was a werewolf.

He'd got bitten when he was just four years old. His parents had been cautious of him ever since then, not knowing how to handle his werewolf form. However his fellow Marauders, who had given Remus the nickname Moony upon finding out about his Lycanthropy, always helped him in anyway they could. They had decided the best way to help him was to become Animagi. This meant they could be with Remus while he was in his werewolf form and remain safe; werewolves were only a threat to humans, unless provoked of course.

Remus and Sirius, or Padfoot, a name given to him due to his Animagi form being a dog, were arguably the closest to each other in the group. In fact, it was Sirius idea for the rest of the group to become animagi. Peter, or Wormtail, and James, or Prongs, quickly agreed as they wanted to help their friend as much as they could.

However, anyone could see that Remus and Sirius had a connection that the rest of the group lacked. It was quite clear, to everyone but them, that they were very much in love. It was obvious. They noticed little mannerisms that others didnt, they could understand each other from one look and, most noticeably, they were most comfortable around each other.

Sirius helped Remus with his nightmares by comforting him and stood up for him when people laughed at his scars, that he'd obtained while in werewolf form from scratching himself. Remus, on the other hand, helped when Sirius couldnt stop his tears, or when he didnt have the strength to get out of bed Remus would sit with him until he felt better. Rather recently, Remus had learned that Sirius was also plagued with nightmares and, of course, he comforted him. They both knew when the other was upset, and they were both there to offer each other hugs.

Unfortunately Remus and Sirius were blind to the love they clearly had for one another, even though everyone else could see it. To everyone else, it was painfully obvious, but Moony and Padfoot were completely oblivious.

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