Chapter 5: WHY?

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Blood was staining my hands and body. I was crying. Which was very rare of me to do. (Y/N) was in my arms severely injured. Practically on the verge of death. Why? Why did she do this? Even after I told her I hated her, she still saved me.


I was sitting down in my office when Commander Eyebrows walked in. "Captain Levi," he said.

"Yes Commander?" I asked.

"We're heading out on an expedition in a few days. Alright?""Alright. Thanks for telling me," I replied.


The days until the expedition went faster than I had expected. We were now on our way out of the walls. I had my squad ready as did (Y/N) and Hanji. The fresh air was nice and the sun was warm. When we made it out of the walls and to where the expedition was being held.


Fighting titans was probably my favorite things. I don't know why nor can I explain it. Right now i was facing a abnormal 15 meter titan. And damn it was difficult. I was slammed into a tree before I knew it. Blood was trickling down my face. My back was aching from the impact as I stood up.

"LEVI!" a familiar voice screamed as I got up. I then was grabbed by the titan's massive hand. It's grip was strong. I struggled to escape from it's grip. My gear had fallen off me when I fell.Why did I have to get captured and killed by a titan now? At least I would go down as Humanity's Strongest Soldier forever. I closed my eyes preparing for my death when nothing came.

 I opened my eyes to see another titan holding the Abnormal from eating me. It wasn't Cadet Lionheart or Cadet Jaeger. It was (Y/N)?Her (H/C) hair was longer and a mess and she looked a lot like Cadet Lionheart in her titan form. (Imagine Annie in titan form and adjust to your liking) 

She ripped off it's arm and opened it's hand and placed me on the floor. They fought for a while causing each other to get injuries. Some minor some severe. The Abnormal then sliced (Y/n) in half causing her to fall to the ground, steam emitting from her body.

I saw her human form leave the titan and she picked up my old 3DM gear and went to attack. She was in no condition to do so. One of her arms were missing and she had blood dripping down her body. She was so close so close to cutting the titan when it suddenly grabbed her and through her into a tree causing her to cough up blood and more to seep from her head. (Y/N) slid to the ground. I ran to her and looked at her, my form shaking. Why did she try to save me. 

"Y/N)!" I shrieked,"(Y/N) PLEASE DON'T DIE! Y-you idiot I-I wa-as fine! I could have d-on-ne it on my o-own!"

"L-levi," she whispered looking at me with her (E/C) orbs," I-I..... L-le-vi I-I l-lo-" She went to continue but her eyes were covered to quickly by her (S/C) lids.

"(Y/N)?" I asked my breath quickening,"(Y/N)?!"


And that is where we are now. I am on the floor with (Y/N) in my arms almost dying. What was she trying to say? 

OK wow that was definetly interesting to write. I hope you enjoyed that!

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