Personality: socially anxious, kind, caring, clever, resourceful, doesn't back down from a fight(most of the time 😅)
Birth place: A planet called Aries
Backstory: Kodey was born on a planet called Aries. It was a planet exactly like Earth but its inhabitants weren't human. They looked like humans but they had animal ears and tail/tails or wings. Kodey was born a triplet. He was also born an angel. He had a brother who was galra and a sister who was an angel. His mother was named Akira and she was Galra. His father was named Issac and he was an angel. Akira meant Issac after running away from the galra empire in hopes of starting a new life. However it didn't last long. The planet started to die. Akira and Issac put him and his siblings in one escape pod so they won't get separated. They set the coordinates for Earth and off the pod went. The three landed on Earth and were found by a group of evil scientists outside a lab. They were experimented on, beaten, and starved. The scientists injected Kodey and is sister Mai with wolf DNA. Kodey and his sister were crying out in pain the whole time. Meanwhile their brother Aaron was injected with the DNA of a demon they somehow managed to get. When they were six they escaped. But something happened while they were making their escape from the lab. Aaron suddenly snapped and killed Mai then disappeared. Kodey was forced to stay in a orphanage until he was 16. When he was 16 he got accepted into the Garrison as a fighter pilot. There he meant Keith, Shiro, Lance, Pidge, and Hunk. But they never knew about him being half angel and half wolf because he knew how to hide it so he looked like a ordinary human. He wore an eyepatch over his right eye as his right eye is yellow like a wolf's from being injected with the DNA of one. When he was 17 he was sent on a solo mission to a unknown planet. Unfortunately he never came back. The Garrison told everyone it was a malfunction with the ship but it wasn't. The real reason Kodey never came back to Earth was because he encountered the white lion and the white lion chose Kodey to be its paladin. He meant the paladins at the beginning of season 7(idk the name of the planet) as Kodey was also on the planet at the time. At first he didn't recognize them but then it clicked. After that Kodey joined team Voltron and they've been together ever since. (Sorry if the backstory is long 😅)
Crush: Lance
Appearance: (he has three different looks so bare with me 😅) Human Kodey
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Regular Kodey
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