Chapter One

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Cecil was bouncing on his feet. Pure happiness radiated through him, though with a tinge of dark mischief.
Today was the day. Today would be the beginning and end of days. Today was the day Cecil gets his microphone. More specifically, today Cecil starts as a Radio Host.
The old man before him has succumb to retirement and left the fate of the Night Vale News into Cecil's pale and eager hands.
Cecil was more than ready to step up to the challenge. Though he did not know why he wanted this job perse, he couldn't refuse the offer. Cecil knows he has a good voice and thought why not. This way, everyone in Night Vale with know him more as the radio host then the kid who almost set his sister's husband on fire.
Management walked-no slithered- no galloped by Cecil. As they did, Cecil held his breathe and froze in his uncontrollable joy. In their path they left his signed application. Cecil grabbed the sticky papers with enthusiasm, overlooking the burning symbol he did not understand.
Today is the end of days. And tomorrow is the beginning.
Cecil walked out of the radio station, prepping himself for the challenges of Tomorrow. The purple sky of Night Vale was decorated with blazing, white stars and the multi-colored blinking lights. In the park the people screamed at the lights while others chanted to them. Cecil was so happy he thought perhaps he would join in, but noticed it was getting late and he would need sleep for tomorrow. Might as well sleep like the dead on the end of days.
Cecil took this time, wandering through the park on his way to his apartment, what the kids at his high school would say. Not that he particularly cared...but there was one person...
As Cecil rounded the side walk and the purple stars reflected in his lilac eyes, he noticed a group of fimiliar kids his age examining a tree. Their lab coats were covered in soot and dirt. Some of them castes frightened looks toward the people screaming to the sky.
Cecil wondered why. After all, it was a recreational thing.
But Cecil's breath stopped short as he noticed one head different from the rest.
His indigo perfect hair reflected in the moonlight. His hands were covered in dirt, not that he seemed to mind. His oaky eyes took in the oak tree. As his companions were constantly watching over their backs, Carlos was entranced and too distracted to notice Cecil.
The look in his eyes spread fondness through Cecil's chest. He'd seen that same look in Carlos's eyes when he had learned about the Night Vale Clocked tower. In his eyes were more wonders than the universe.
Cecil walked up to the group of exchange students. Some cringed and flinched back, which struck Cecil as odd. They took a look at his outfit in distaste. Oh well, Cecil thought, they'd learn Night Vale fashion soon enough. It was not uncommon to see someone wearing leather pants with fur leg warmers and converse and a T shirt that said the important message of "FEAR BOOKS AND THE LIBRARIANS".
"Hello," Cecil greeted them.
Some of them nodded while others stared at him, writing stuff down on a pad of paper they help in their hands.
Carlos looked up at Cecil. "Want to see something scientifically exciting?" He asked.
I already am, Cecil thought. Cecil nodded, not making words.
Cecil kneeled next to Carlos and looked at the tree.
"Look here," Carlos instructed. A lock of his black hair fell into his eyes. He brushed it away without noticing he was doing it. "This tree has no sap. We've dissected and watched these trees for days but as we can tell, because science tells everything, there is no sap." This clearly troubled him, as his eyes brows drew together.
"Uh," Cecil said, trying to understand. "That's...neat?"
"No, Cecil- or maybe in a sense. But how can a tree not produce sap? It's make no sense." Carlos's eyes set darkly. "But it will. After a few more experiments."
A few of the others groaned.
"Well good luck." Cecil said, but tried to think of other things to say to carry on his convo with Carlos. An idea hit him suddenly. "You know," he said, "I'm going to be taking over the Night Vale radio. I get to tell all of Night Vale whatever I please."
"Really?" Carlos asked.
"Well- not whatever. Station management might eat me if I go too hay wire." Cecil said. The others stared at him, wondering if he was being sarcastic or making a joke. He wasn't.
"Anyways..." Cecil said casually, "You could...tell me whenever you have a break through in science. I could broadcast your...your sciencing."
Carlos's eyes lit up, turning them from the black of night into the brown of chocolate.
"That's perfect!" He said, standing. "I could warn people or enlighten people with my research."
"Yeah!" Cecil agreed, nodding. " should give me your number, you know," he added hastily, "for the fate of the town."
Carlos nodded and pulled a pen out of the pocket of his lab coat. There were ink stains there, as though he'd forgotten to recap his pen in a haste and put the pen in without realizing. A burst of fondness bury in Cecil's chest again. He tried to steady his hand as he took the note with Carlos's number.
The others stared to walk away, Carlos with them.
Carlos turned to Cecil at the last minute and said: "Thanks, radio broadcaster."
Cecil smiled at him. "Thanks, Scientist."
Cecil must have been imagining it. It must've been the effects of the mysterious lights above, or the magical chants of the park goers, or maybe it was the Angels that hover over Jesse's house. But Cecil could have sworn he saw Carlos blush.
A few moments past as Carlos left and Cecil laid back on the grass. Suddenly, a grin broke his face.
No, Cecil thought, the ends of days isn't always bad.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 05, 2018 ⏰

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