Antisepticeye X Reader

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Mark and Bob where talking along with wade and pewds then there was jack.Jack was a fairly handsome fellow he stood about five feet tall a bit taller then you,the green haired Irish man walked up to you and asked this"do you..wanna talk since everyone else is talking to the rest (Y/N) sorta lonely being honest"You smile and nod your head yes.

Jack and you talked up about whatever till mark comes up and leans himself at the wall and interrupted you both"hey you two lovebirds"mark winked at you,your face turned a dark shade of red jack dint notice he spoke up to mark"M-mark shut up"you noticed his face was a light shade of pink unlike you,you looked like a tomato.Mark walked up to you and pushed you into jack he fell by the impact and you landing on top of jack your face more red till you can't speak correctly,(two years ago you told mark how you felt about jack and after that he's been messing with you both especially you)"y-you oo-ok jack?"Jack's face was dark red like yours now"y-yeah I-I'm fine and you lass?"you turned your head to embarrassed to even look at him"y-yeah"Your hangs cling on to his black shirt,jack slowly gets up you now sitting on him still clinging to his chest your hands tightly clung to his shirt.Mark watched for a while then went back to talk with bob,bob chuckled at you and jack slightly then spoke with mark.Jack held you up as he lifted himself holding you and your legs warped around his waist you hide your furious blushing face so that he couldn't see it at all"(Y/N) u-um"he stares at you and has his hand lift your chin up"y-you where telling me that you had n-no place to stay tonight s-soo how about you come stay at my house I-I have a extra room"Your face slowly goes to pink instead of red"s-sure thank y-you"jack smiles weakly and lets you stand at your feet again.After the party ended everyone left and you and jack walked to his car which is a black Toyota car that gleamed in the moons light,jack opened the door for you and you sat in and buckled up.As jack sat and then started the car you looked out the window and spoke"its a beautiful night"Jack spoke softly barley for you to hear"beautiful just like you"jack sighed looking at you.You turned over and spoke"hm?"jack looked away blushing"n-nothing (Y/M)"you giggled"ok"You slowly fall asleep but the door slammed and you woke up"w-where here?"jack opened the door"yep welcome"as you walk to his house you noticed jack vanished you got scared for some reason you felt being watched,you run into the house and close the door and yell for jacks name"j-jack?!"you hear a crash and a thud and a static voice grunt and curse out in vain"F-ing Table owwwwww"you noticed it sounded just like jack.You ran to him without looking and hugged him your face into his chest,Anti looked at you and grunts as he moves a bit you still holding to him"hey sweetheart~"you never heard jack say that before you then looked up and screamed backing slightly away"w-what wheres jack you look like him but y-your not who are you!?"Anti chuckled loving the fact that your scared of him as jack spoke to Anti inside his head anti obviously ignoring what jack says and does whatever he wants.

Anti got close up to you and held's his hand out for you so you may get up.You shyly take his hand as he grunts lifting you up,he smiles from ear to ear"so we have not introduced are self's yet names Antisepticeye but you can call me Anti for short"he winks at you.Your face glows pink and you speak up"m-m.."he cuts you off"(Y/N) right I know your name so no need sweetie"You look at him shyly and go to he living room Anti follows you of course and watches your every move.You pop a game in the ps4"what game ya put in (Y/M)~"he says in a different down in-fact you thought his deeper husky toned voice was sorta sexy,Anti sits next to you and takes a controller and turns it on"so what game?"you snap out of it and smile"mortal combat"you say in a soft voice Anti chuckles"better watch out I'm good at this game lass"he said smirking at you devilishly,you blush then it fades once the game starts you pick your character named sheeva and jack picked noob who was dressed all black and some what purple.You started the battle and there was three battles you tried your best but he won all rounds making you pout and stick your tongue out at him sheepishly,Anti smirked more till it turned into a twisted cocky grin.You then tackled Anti and held him"teach me"you say in a angry voice "I can teach other things besides that"he winked your face goes red but you stay there as Anti leans his face near your neck and licked even nibbled,your face reddens and you gasp.Jack on the other hand is trying to stop Anti from doing this action that's going on he then finally takes control and moves his head away"A-anti-"you pause to see its only jack now"h-hi"you get up hiding your face"w-welcome back!"jack shyly grabs you"thanks (y/m) sorry about anti"you smiled"its ok he was cool to hang with"jack had a frown"you can hang with him but don't let him touch you the way he did"you had a surprise face hearing that made you blush but before you said another word jack kissed you but all of a sudden it was anti again he started french kissing you as you softly moan into warm breathless kiss.

Hoped ya guys enjoyed thanks for reading Antisepticeye X Reader !!!

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