Prologue- Chapter 1

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“Mickey, let’s do something fun tonight.” I whined as I fingered my hair gently. “I’m sick of always doing the same old thing. I want to go out!”

“Go out where? Do you not remember the town we live in? The best thing to do here is skip rocks in the pond.” Mickey laughed as if mocking the idea of there actually being something to do other than just sit here.

“We could go to the city.”

“Are you kidding? That’s a forty minute drive, plus I don’t have enough gas to get us there even if I wanted to.” He was right. The ride to Delby from Greenville is quite too lengthy and there is only one gas station along the way.

“I know! Let’s go to the field. It’s right down the road, we’ll be back in no time. Please?” Mickey shot me a look of slight hesitation and then a smile began to arise upon his face.

“Let’s go.”

            The sound of the truck speeding down the street and the music playing from the radio mashed together and created a unique night symphony. Trees flew by us on either side and created a beautiful smudge painting of browns and greens, even some yellows and oranges since the lips of fall had begun to spread its chilled kiss. Mickey kept his eyes deadlocked ahead, he always was a bit uptight when it came to driving and staying safe on the road, but I couldn’t help but to admire the breath-taking scenery. I’d always been interested in nature; the allure of the earth. It baffles me to think that a person could ever destroy such perfection for such petty achievements.

            We drove up to a sign that read “Willowridge Fields” in big moss-covered letters. Mickey parked the car and turned his body to me. The moonlight glimmered into the car and illuminated Mickey’s chiseled face. His eyes were locked onto me and I could make out the signal he was trying to send me. I want you. I couldn’t deny that I felt the same way, but I didn’t let him know. I just sat in silence and let him observe me.

“Reagan…” He started to speak, but I interrupted.

“Let’s go out into the field. We can lie down and look at the stars.” I climbed out of the car before he could object and ran into the grassy meadow.

            The field stretched for miles and was dimly lit by the light of the night. I removed my shoes and let the smooth grass slide between my toes.

“Are you coming or what?” I yelled back to the car with a girlish laugh. Mickey jumped out of the car and started charging towards me with his arms open. He grabbed me and took us toppling over. Laughter over took us and we didn’t stop until our eyes met. The once chilled night started to gain heat as I stared into his deep brown eyes. I want him. I want him so bad. I felt his breath against my skin. It felt so…right.

“Reagan, you look beautiful tonight.”

“Oh, stop.” I let out a soft chuckle.

“I’m being serious! You do look beautiful.”

“Well, thank you.” Silence dragged on. All we did was sit there and soak in each other’s presence. I felt the slight vibrations of my phone and had to escape Mickey’s grasp to check it.

“I’m sorry.” I whispered while I whipped out the thin phone. “I have to take this, stay here. I promise I won’t take long.”

            I made my way back to the truck and lightly closed the door behind me. I needed privacy and frankly this is the only place I could find it.


“Reagan, where are you? Your mother has been looking for you.” Andrew’s voice was stern and deep, but also light and caring at the same time.

“I’m with Mickey.”

“Where are you? I’m coming to get you.”

“No! I just got here.”

“I don’t care. I want you home.”

“You’re not my father! I can take care of myself.”

“No, you can’t!” Rage started to take control of both of us. “I’m coming to get you.”

“Good luck trying to find me.” I hung up.

            I sat in the car for what seemed like eternity, but was most likely only five minutes, thinking about how much I hated him. He had no right to try to control me. Rage was coursing through my veins and slowly devouring me.

“Reagan, open up.” Mickey knocked on the window of the truck. How long was he there for? I slowly unlocked the car and let him crawl in next to me. “Are you okay? Your face is red.”

“I’m fine.” I snapped at him, but quickly sweetened my voice. “I’m just…”

“No need to explain. I’ll just take you home.”

“Mickey-“Before I could object he started the car with a great roar and we were on our way to the last place I wanted to be; home.

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