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Nice to meet you! You can call me Camille (which rhymes with oatmeal), and I'm the original creator of this account. You'll mostly see me around doing maintenance or hosting roleplays. Other than that, I'll probably be shut away somewhere, writing- a.k.a staring at my computer screen trying to make the words come out.
⒜⒝⒪⒰⒯ ⒨⒠
✄╎ Hi, I'm a writer
✄╎My hobbies include not writing
✄╎ Former avid Fairy Tail roleplayer on Wattpad
✄╎ Lover of anything involving DanganRonpa, Pokémon, Fire Emblem, Rune Factory, Disney and Kingdom Hearts, or Seraph of the End
✄╎ Somehow managing to survive on Red Bull and coffee alone
✄╎ Dreams of being a producer or screenwriter/scriptwriter for movies and/or games.
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other accounts;
«oops. yeah, sorry, i don't have anything to put here...well, actually, just one-