Chapter 1

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Charlotte liked knitting. 

It felt like the only productive thing she could do here. Sometimes she imagined that she could give the pieces of clothing she knitted to orphans or the many poor of New Orleans. There it would've done something good to helpless people. 

But no one would ever pick up the pile of colorful socks and pullovers that were neatly folded on a shelf. No one dared to get that close to her. Once she had even put the pile directly in front of the door, so the person who brought her food could easily take it with him. Still, no one would touch what she laid her hands on if it wasn't absolutely necessary. 

For seven years had done nothing but three things, aside from eating and sleeping: Knitting, reading and watching people. It was all to keep her sane to a certain degree. If that was even possible. Educating herself was the other thing Charlotte found productive, besides knitting. Whoever decided over her fate, was generous enough to provide her with some worn out books, of various, completely random topics. It was probably what them, the people that lived downstairs, would throw away, but Charlotte was grateful was grateful to have anything to read. Whenever she got a new delivery of wool and books, which happened once a month if she kept right on the track of time, she was overwhelmed with joy. 

The last books she received was a romance, which were her favorite. She felt a little more human when she dove deep into this different world. Here she was free, she could walk the earth in the shoes of the main character and even fall in love. There were no restrictions...and the voices always lowered a bit when she really got lost between the pages. 

Her only connection to the real world outside her tower was the small window facing the garden. She often spent hours sitting in front of the glass, watching nature change and people interact. It was a bittersweet feeling, because only then she realized how much she missed being outside. How much she despised this loneliness up here. 

Spring had recently started to bring the garden back to life. Because it was tended to by witches, the flowers always stood in splendid full bloom much earlier. Charlotte's favorite, the roses, were close to break free of the restricted space of their green buds. It was beautiful.

From time to time, people strutted through this small piece of nature. Mostly it were young witches tending to the flowers, but today excitement filled Charlotte when she saw who was going to enjoy the garden. Her adoptive sister Celeste. A wide smile plastered on Charlotte's face. It's been over a year since she saw her stunning sister. 

Memories from easier times, of two girls playing in this garden came rushing back to her. It wasn't easy to be reminded of the fact that she lost her freedom, but Charlotte wouldn't let her joy be tainted right now. 

What was even more surprising was that she wasn't alone. A man trailed alongside her. His shoulder length hair was bound back and his lips moved while he talked to Celeste. Charlotte couldn't hear what they talked about, but she saw that her sister giggled every now and then. 

Charlotte's attention was drawn back to her sister's suitor when she took his appearance in. He seemed a little out of place. His clothing was a bit over the top, too formal for a walk through the garden. But what really made her curious was the aura that surrounded him. 




Those were the first words that came to her mind when she examined his presence. Even though she couldn't use her magic, Charlotte didn't loose those abilities that were implanted into her mind. Since her earliest childhood she could tell if someone wasn't human. And this man certainly wasn't. 

At first glance he felt like a usual vampire, the ones that roamed this poor cities for so long now. The witches hated them and so they taught every child raised by them. Charlotte could never understand this. They were at peace, so why wouldn't they break boundaries instead of carrying hostility forever. Celeste seemed to think the same. It made Charlotte so proud.

Still, she saw that something was different about this one. Something she had never seen before. Well, not seen...But there was something familiar about him. She couldn't quite place a finger on it, but it triggered a flicker of memory. It was blurry and she couldn't really make out anything, but it was there...

He's a handsome one.

This time, the voice had a soft, almost pleasant sound. They changed steadily, some certain voices appeared more often, some less. But mostly they switched after they spoke their peace. It was the worst when they all sounded at once, rushing her mind with unbelievable force.

"Yes, he certainly is." 

Charlotte smiled as she answered. Her eyes darted back to this special gentleman. Even his face differed so much from New Orleans' inhabitants. He had this old kind of elegance, not classical, but very attractive in every way. There was a  certain wisdom that was just so interesting. This man looked like he had seen everything, but yet he couldn't be older than his thirties. 

Who is he?

He's different.

You will never hear him talk.

He's not good enough for your sister.

Celeste is very happy. Better off without you.

Why are you still looking down to them?

He's dangerous.

What's his name?

Where's he from? 

You're a failure.

The sudden chatter of the voices let Charlotte's head ache heavily. Usually they didn't just explode in her mind, they were announcing themselves. They started out as a low whisper before the voices raised.

Whenever there was something new, which wasn't often, they simply started. Some screamed, some whispered. The ones that brought insults upon her always were the loudest. Charlotte believed them most. At least they were telling the truth.

"Would you kindly be a bit quieter?" 

She begged. Charlotte didn't want to miss a thing of what was going on in the garden.

You will never be able to hear anything up here anyway.

It's no use anyway. 

You could hear them. You just have to get out of here.

The last voice was the one Charlotte would recognize anywhere. It was the one she heard when she did what she would never forgive herself. The cruelty that got her into this situation. 

Nausea always filled her body when she heard it. Unfortunately it was one of the voices that came upon her nearly every day. Most of them just asked questions, sometimes even gave her advice. Others made her believe what she truly was: a monster.

But this one, it tempted her. It wanted to lure her to new horrible deeds. It wanted to make her escape, which was something that could never happen. Charlotte was better off up here. She never complained. It was safer for everyone. 

So often she had tried to push this voice back, to make it disappear forever. But it was no use. The only thing she could do was to gather all her willpower and ignore it.

When her gaze fell back to the garden, the corners of her lips raised. The man held Celeste close to him, one hand on her lower back, the other on the back of her head. His lips captured hers gently. 

It was beautiful to watch. Just like she imagined some scenes from her books.

You'll never be kissed by someone.

Charlotte nodded and decided to give the couple some privacy. It was the least she could do.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2018 ⏰

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