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Two months and
two days into the letters

Dear, Mr. Kim

Your lips looked so beautiful, I still remember how it felt like to be so close to you, how your hands grabbed at my body so nicely, I'll go to sleep every night playing that scene over and over in my head, and honestly, unless you are a dumb blonde.. you'll most likely understand who I am if I let myself send this to you.

I'm sorry once you do, I'm sorry for myself too, you'll ask that awful question, and to be honest with you Mr. Kim, I've been too afraid to ever meet you face to face, I know I shouldn't be that ashamed of myself, but If I'm speaking honest, I am..

I hope you like what you see when you find out.



The teacher eyes lingered on the note so many times, looking up from it at his desk then back down to the beautifully handwritten letter, licking his cracked lips.. He knew from the start, he didn't know why it was so hard to figure out until this point, it was all so obvious,

He couldn't put his finger on it ever, the way they wrote was so familiar to a certain student, it reminded him so much of someone every time he read his letters

It reminded him of the brunette

He rubbed his neck, sitting back in his desk chair as he pushed his hair back frustratingly, and smirked, already pulling out a paper and pen to ask that simple but deviant question


Dear k,

Is this Jeongguk?


Jeongguk's heart rushed like how his socks ran back and forth around his room, it was gonna be found out at some point, giving too many hints, he brought it upon himself, he said too much in his recent note, cursing himself out for being so dumb. He had no option at this point, feeling trapped at what to answer with, no answer? That could be good, yeah.. He just won't answer

His best friends would be here soon, knowing them they won't stop questioning the male, he wasn't as panicked as he was about Tae's question, but handling any more wasn't on his mind currently,


He was utterly screwed


"Hey guys!" Gguk said, cheerfully trying to keep up a smile with the both of them, they waved, nodding their head as a greeting,

"Mom's out for the weekend again, as usual, but she left money for pizza and i finally setup my ps4" He smiled, opening the door more as they both walked in, carrying two bags, he assumed they packed to stay for the weekend, like they usually did, he didn't mind, this was a usual occasion to happen.


The boys were having a good time, Jimin and Hope fighting over the last slice of pizza before Hope won, sending Jimin into a pout,

After a few moments and the sounds of the brunettes controller and Hope's chewing, it went silent, the air moved awkward as no one said anything to anyone, the low music from the male's game played softly.


Chim's eyes moved to Jeongguk's hands on his controller, watching him press a button, pausing the game in his movement of driving a car, another few seconds of silence hit as Jimin waited to say anything, a confused Gguk tilted his head, Jimin smiled awkwardly and looked at Hope, who looked at him too

"You been okay?" Hope asked, licking his lips as Jeongguk just sat there, not knowing how to answer the question as he scratched the back of his head, Jimin laid back, waiting for an answer, nothing came out as the younger thought for a few moment.

Expecting something great to come out of his mouth, nothing did, instead, something else came out

"I think I love Mr. Kim!"


updated: april 9 and 11 2020

646 words

Dear, Mr. KimWhere stories live. Discover now