Big Chungus x Reader

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And all of that. when i saw that. i wasnt sure. i wasnt sure of what to do. but i knew. i knew something for sure. i knew that i would be serenaded. he was just. just so. smexy. h0t. i c0uldnt believe my eYes. so thicccccc and oh so chunkyyyy. The large rabbit looked back at me and I tired to shield my face. What would he say if he saw me blushing? Probably what he usually says... absolute gibber1sh. Big Chungus began to speak in his native languag3 and somehow I understo0d what he had said, "OwO u thIcC b0I" I translated... I had never heard him say something as h0t as that before. I sat there wordless at Big Chungus's use of the word and began internally screaming, "ewe" You stated back at the ChUNky bOi. You could see where this was going... His intentions became clear..... Big Chungus wanted to  FFFF...... 

Fortnite dance on all the haters >:D

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06, 2019 ⏰

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