Chapter 2: Fear Lives

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 Everyone went and packed up. As Keith was packing he was one of Aubrey's shirts on his floor. He picked it up and carefully folded it, placing it on top of his bag. They met up in the commons, everyone was their and saying goodbye. Angels and demons alike were leaving so humans wouldn't see them after their memories were erased. The human members of the Extra's were sobbing with their parents and friends. Aubrey was sobbing as she held Luci and Cas.

Aubrey: my boys if you could tell gabriel when you see him to send me letter that would be great! Oh and tell Raph that i miss him and also send me all your letters and keep up your amazing work.

They boys clung to her as if she was their mother. They held back their tears but Aubrey was the water works. Finally they broke apart and solemnly Aubrey climbed into the portal. Once everyone was in the portal fired up. Aubrey and Kait casted a quick spell that erased all the humans memories. Everyone was silent for a moment.

Liam: so will we ever be able to come back to Earth?

Aubrey: yeah... but when you come back you won't be Liam Prancer anymore. You will have to be someone fake. Don't worry we will teach you how to use the tech to talk with your parents and stuff.

Aubrey tried to smile but her lips barely moved. She was scared to go home. Sure, she missed her father and her friends but she was also worried about what would be happening over her birthday. She was turning seventeen (in god years obvi.), when a princess turned seventeen she earned queen rights. She would be expected to marry within around 6 months. Everyone went to their rooms to mourn. Liam and Rindy were trying to not think. Not think. Keith was trying to not think. Not think. Kait and jake were trying to relax but how could they? Alissa was sleeping as best she could. Olivia and Dixie were playing cards.

Keith found himself massaging his temples. He wanted to talk to Aubrey. She already said he wasn't gonna go to court. No one dared talk about Erik, but Keith needed to know. Every second he didn't was a second he hurt. He walked to Aubrey's room but stopped just before he knocked. He shook his head and walked back to his room. All he could think about was her eyes. Jake was sitting on the floor, his head in his hands. Kait sat on the bed, her eyes stung with jealousy.

Kait: you cheated on me!


Kait: you could have anyone you wanted and you just wanted to play me!

Jake: you are my favorite thing in all 16 realms! Why in the sea's name would i ever cheat on you and hurt you?

Kait: Keith did it to Aubrey! How can i know that you aren't like him!?

Kait sobbed in her hands and Jake stared at his own. He remembered when Keith told him about him and Aubrey after she fell in her coma. He remembered how he spoke of Aubrey as if she was the oxygen he breathed, the sun that struck his skin, the water he needed to live. Jake felt that tenfold for Kait yet he was not as poetic as his friend. He had tried to put his feelings in words but it just came out in a jumble. Jake listened as Kait sobbed into a pillow. He felt himself break on the inside.

Jake: i do not know what you want from me... i don't know how this works. I can tell you that i would never hurt you on purpose. You... you...

He lost his words again and Kait screamed. She buried her face into the pillow hoping it could hold her like she wished Jake woud. Jake couldn't move. He felt numb and froze.

Jake: you have let Aubrey's fears affect you more then they do her. Kait i do not know how to tell you but you change me. I... i don't look at women anymore, none can compare to the beauty of you. None can compare to the taste of your lips. None can compare to the feel of your skin. I would not live without you. You have killed my heart. It has just become a box for you to open whenever you want.

Kait: how do i trust-

Jake stopped her with his lips. She pushed him off and he fell to the ground. He fell to the ground and for the first time since Aubrey had died, he cried. He let his tears fall to the ground. Kait starred at them despising them.

Kait: if you loved me-

Jake: i do not love you. Love will never be strong enough to describe how i feel about you... you are more important to me them my entire powers, then my status, then my life.

Kait gulped and averted her eyes from his. Jake sighed and left the room. He didn't know where he was going but he left. He left until he bumped into his best friend, sitting in front of Aubrey's door. He sat down next to him.

Jake: women?

Keith: hah! Yes... full of beauty and-

Jake: drama?

Keith: pain.

Jake: kindness.

Keith: sensitivity.

Jake: it's like they are flowers.

Liam walked by and sat down next to them.

Liam: it's like they are rainbows.

Keith: as if they are sunsets.

All of them: they are like oceans.

Keith let out a soft laugh. Then Jake followed. Then finally so did Liam. Aubrey heard them from her side of the dorr. When she looked at her hands she remembered how Keiths hands had felt every part of her. She remembered the fear in his eyes when she died. She remembered the way his eyes melted into a soft green when she took her first steps down the stairs at the welcoming ball. She remembered the soft way he kissed her as if she might break under his strength. He was always... softer when she was with him. Aubrey went back to listening.

Keith: so pipsqueak what's up with prissy pants.

Liam: please do not call Rindy that.

Jake: aww! Mortem would you look at that, little guy is being a nice boyfriend.

Liam: at least my girl isn't debating breaking up with me. Also we are not boyfriend and girlfriend.

Keith: fair point. But seriously what did you get in trouble for?

Liam: i'm not in trouble, she just kicked me out when Alissa came to talk to her. Something about like... um what did she say... like i think she said coy?

Jake: kid... you don't know what coy is?

Keith: it's sex kid.

Aubrey snorted, giving away her position. She could practically hear Keith jump up and almost knock. She heard the other two boy stood up slower and stood next to Keith. She waited hoping she was wrong.

Keith: Aubrey? 


okay but guys... who is your favorite character?? Personally mine are either Liam or King Gabriel. Anyways, please comment, vote, and share to make my day!!!!! xoxoxo <3

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