Chapter 5

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I wake up to see Zane, staring right at me with a worried look on his face. "Oh Y/N! Thank Irene your okay!" Aw he was worried about me~! "Y-Yeah, It kinda hurts to talk Z-Zane.." I reply, I really want to talk, but I just can't. "Alright, you don't need to talk. Just get plenty of rest, I really care about you, Y/N." Zane says in a sweet but serious voice. After a few minutes someone walks into the room, then I soon realize it's my mom. "Y/N! What the hell happened to you?!" My mom says in a really worried voice. "She said it hurts to speak, so i'll tell you what happened. Well my brother Garroth didn't want Y/N and I to be together.. so he got really mad. Then he just hit Y/N out of the blue, but Garroth is REALLY strong. So it kinda knocked her out for a good 10 minutes.." Zane looks at me and plays with my hair a bit, my mom looks at me, she looks at the big bruise on my head, she looks at my bleeding nose.. She looks angry. "Alright, i'm taking her home. Zane you can call your mom and ask if you can come too. I know you care about her." I smile at Zane, although I can't barely see anything. Zane calls his mom and soon there's an answer, "Mom, Y/N is really hurt and I was wondering if I can go to her house with her, her mom said I could." Zane says, worried his mom will say no. After like a minute Zane speaks again, "Thanks so much mom! See you later!" Zane says in a happy voice.

 "D-Did S-She say Y-Yes?" I really cannot speak right now, but I need to know. "Yes she did, and Y/N don't speak. Get some rest my little cupcake." ZANE JUST CALLED ME HIS LITTLE CUPCAKE AHHHHHH! Alright Y/N. Enough fan-girling over your own boyfriend. "Y/N, try to walk for me okay sweetie." My mom says as she pulls me out of bed. But I just fall, but then Zane picks me back up again. "O-Ouch!" I say as Zane grabs my side trying to lift me back up again. "S-Sorry! Here let me just carry you.." Zane picks me up bridal style and brings me to my car. He sits me down on the back seat and he sits right next to me. "Okay, so Zane I need to go out and run some errands, so when we get to my house please bring Y/N to her room and look after her. I know you love her just as much as I do.." My mom says, looking at me. "I will. Y/N is my everything, if it weren't for her I would have no idea what love feels like.." Woah.. Zane's being romantic?! I quickly try and think of something to say.. "Z-Zane.. I-I love Y-You, so M-Much.." I fall into his arms and pass out, I can still hear them though.. "Y-Y/N?! Oh whatever just sleep." Zane takes off his mask and gives me a small kiss on the cheek. I start to get up with the little strength I have. "We're here! Alright Zane take Y/N to her room please, i'll be back in half an hour." My mom says as we get out, Zane carrying me still. My mom drives away and then Zane quickly rushes me to my room, setting me on my bed. "Alright cupcake, get some rest." Zane is blushing! I start to feel able to talk again. "Heh, is t-that your new n-nickname for me? Cupcake?" I ask blushing as well. "Sorry if you don't like it, cupcake." Zane is being to cheesy! This is driving me crazy. 

"No I like it." I think being called cupcake is cute, especially from Zane. I look down and realize my clothes are covered blood, I am guessing it's from my bleeding nose. "Zane can you go out in         T-The hallway? I-I need to change M-My clothes." He looks at me for a second.. "Your mom said that I NEED to stay with you, no matter what." Zane looks at me with a worried look on his face.. I just start to close my eyes, I think I may have passed out again. But I can still hear everything around me. Zane is just sitting next to me on my bed, or at least I hope it's Zane. I started to fall asleep... 

-+-Time Skip: After School Hours-+-

I wake up to see Garroth, Zianna, Vlyad, Zane, Mom and Gene. They all seem to be mad at Garroth, well I think I know why. That little bully deserves it! He did this to me! "Guys! Y/N's awake!" Zane says as he realizes i'm awake. Then all of a sudden I have this random pain all over my body. "O-Ow! G-Guys i-it hurts!!" I yell in pain, "Y/N, What hurts?" Gene looks at me, my face just wincing in pain. "EVERYTHING HURTS!!" I yell so loud I think the hole neighbor hood heard me. "Quick! Let's take her to the hospital!" My mom yells, I just wonder what the hell is happening to me as mom and Gene pick me up and bring me to the car. I start to pass out again, I feel a tear rolling down my cheek, Zane is holding me as tight as ever. I hear Garroth start to cry, Zane hugs me so tight, Gene is telling Mom to drive faster, everything is just so chaotic right now. Then I wake up, I quickly hug Zane back and start to cry as well, I am in so much pain, everything seems so horrible right now.

(Warning, This is going to be very sad.)

-+-Flashback to when you were 5-+-

I wake up, I hear mommy and daddy crying while talking to a guy I never seen or heard before, I sit on the stairs and listen into there conversation. "I'm sorry, but it's true. Your daughter was in fact born with severe brian damage, it may not seem like it but it's all true. She will need to either live with it or get surgery, your choice." The unknown man  said. "She's going to be okay though, right?" Daddy seems worried about something. "As long as she doesn't get into trouble, she'll be perfectly fine. Her condition won't  affect her. She'll be just like a normal kid." The man seems sorry for mommy and daddy, I dunno why though.

-+-End of Flashback-+-

I had no idea what that doctor ment back then, but I finally get it. I was born with a messed up brain. why would my mom keep this from me?! "M-Mom. I-I know what you've been h-hiding from m-me!" I try to say in a clear voice. "What are you talking about?!" My mom seems guilty. "I-I was born with a-a messed up b-brain. I h-heard you t-talking to the d-doctor. Is t-that why G-Garroth's punch h-hurt so much?!" I stutter the words out, and then everyone looks at me. "Yes. I'm sorry for not telling you, I-" Zane cuts her off, "Why would you never tell Y/N this?! Did you want her to die?!?" Zane yells at my mom. "I didn't want her to die..       B-But her dad did." The words make me start to cry. "Nice going, now she's upset! Shh cupcake, Shh.. It's alright." Zane calms me down a bit. Why would dad want me dead! Why would he do this to me!! Why!!! We arrive at the hospital, I don't remember much.. All I remember is being rolled away on a hospital bed. My eyes were closed for the hole time, after a few minutes I wake up.. Garroth is staring down at me. He's crying, Zane's crying, everyone's crying. Even Gene, Gene never cries. Then Zane realizes I'm awake, he rushes over to me and gives me a kiss, he seems so happy, why can't I be happy?


Authors Note:
Hey guys! Oml this was such a sad chapter. Also the next chapter is going to be VERY important for the storyline, so you need to read it! Also the next chapter is going to be even more sad than this one, so get some tissues ready. Bye my awesome readers!


(-Word Count: 1451-)

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